Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why Using Promotional Pens Can Be Good For You and Your Business

The advertising world has understood the power of promotional items for a very long time. All of the big companies have entire departments dedicated solely to creating the desired image for the company and for its goods and services. Not everyone has access to those kinds of resources but that does not mean that they cannot benefit from promotional items, as well. With just a little bit of patience and research anyone can learn hot promotions can be use as very effective marketing products and how they can use this to their advantage.

There is an incredible amount of items which can be used for promotional purposes. In theory, you can take any item in the world, slap your company's name or logo on it and give it away and it will serve as a promotional item, but obviously that not all items work as well. In fact, there are very few that are more effective than promotional pens. They work great at generating more brand exposure for yourself and making your business better known.

One thing that makes promotional pens a lot more effective as brand enhancers than, for example, fliers or pamphlets are the gift mentality. Most people when they get handed a flier on the street will throw it away in the nearest bin without even looking at it. These usually contain too much information for someone who is walking down the street to focus on. Even if they are interested in what your company might have to offer, they quickly skim through the title and the first few sentences before they lose interest. A pen has a much smaller surface to work with so it forces you to shorten your message. This actually works in your favor as there is a bigger chance that your entire message is actually read and understood by people. Then comes the perception of the pen as a gift. Nobody would gift a pamphlet to someone else so people are likely to get rid of it. However, a pen is viewed as a present by many so they will find it harder to throw away.

Another great reason why pens make efficient marketing products is that they are useful. Everybody needs an extra pen, regardless of how many they have. They never know when they might need it. This increases the likelihood that the promotional item will be used a lot by the people that receive them and your company's message will be right there, in front of them. Try to think back to a time when you were writing in a completely disinterested way and you were bored. Your attention started shifting to everything else except work and, more often than not, what was the first item you looked at? Your pen. People scan, observe and read every little detail on their pens when they have nothing better to do.

Lastly comes another great reason why promotional pens are such a good idea from a business perspective: they are inexpensive. They are inexpensive to make, inexpensive to buy and inexpensive to distribute. You can get these in massive, bulk orders where you only have to pay cents for each pen made. Considering how long they will last with the people that receive them and the high likelihood of them seeing your logo and reading about your business, it is one of the best investments you can make for your company.

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