Monday, June 18, 2012

Verify Your Information Sources When You Generate Leads

There are times when people underestimate the role of information in accounting. What people think is nothing but the practice of bookkeeping and keeping financial records. They don't realize that there's more to the task like digging into that information and retrieving only the most relevant data.

Speaking of which, one of the most classical challenges in such tasks is the quality of information. Obviously, one significant criteria is the source. If your information didn't come from reliable and reputable sources, then the information is likely to be just as untrustworthy.

Thus, it's important for you to verify your sources and assure the quality of your data.

Speaking of which though, you're still a B2B company. Are you aware that this same emphasis on reputable sources also applies to lead generation services?

Whether these services are outsourced or formed out of the pocket of your own business, the difference in information still doesn't eliminate the need to verify its source. For example, does your lead generator really work hard to get the data or are they utilizing questionable shortcuts? It might be understandable if not enough money really went into the process but in cases otherwise, you are obviously being ripped off.

Please know that there is a difference between cost-efficiency and the cheap service of the poor kind. With regards to B2B sales leads, the information you get must be comprehensive. From the contact information they used to get in touch with the accounting prospect to knowing their more specific accounting needs (this in turn should help determine what kind of information they'd find relevant), this is what quality information should cover. Sources that take really bad shortcuts are likely to miss out on any of these critical business details in the same way bad accounting misses important financial ones.

It also helps to make sure that the information they gathered is up-to-date and is not just torn off old databases. Old data is more or less just dead data that wasn't deleted. Don't risk hitting a dead end and make sure your lead generator only gives you new information (or at least information that hasn't changed since the last time they checked).

These standards additionally apply to your appointment setter. You can tell if the appointment was poorly set when you finally meet the prospect but they haven't been filled in on all the details that you specified. This might result in poor communication, demands for clarification, and in the worst case, utter rejection and a bad referral. Then again, you clearly wouldn't even want this to happen so it's really important that such appointments are made only after verifying your sources.

When it comes to any task the relies on information, be it electronic information, contact information, business information, or in your case, financial information, always check your sources. This is a basic rule of thumb which expands various fields, disciplines, and industries. It doesn't matter what the source itself might say when the results will speak for themselves. Acting on bad information only results in bad decisions. Bad decisions often, if not always, lead to disaster.

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