Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Top 5 Google Commands for Market Research Professionals

Google has provided a few readymade search commands for advanced users, which can filter results on the basis of input queries. The word 'advanced' user may sound geeky but believe me, there is no rocket science in this. Even an average person too can easily use these commands and get benefited. So are you ready to learn a few tricks which make your search a lot easier and quicker? So here they are:

1. Dot (..) Operator: This operator will help you to find results containing numbers in a given range specified by you. Do remember that there should be no spaces in the query string.

Syntax: text number..number

Example: VAS market research reports $250..$1000

Uses: When you are searching for a specific market research report and you have a price range or budget in your mind.

2. Wild Card (*) Operator: This operator is also known as the fill in the blanks operator. Each * (asterisk) represents one or more words in a given phrase. Google acknowledges * as placeholder for a single word or group of words.

Syntax: text * text

Example: US Defense Expenditure Oct * 2003..Oct * 2012

Uses: When you only remember certain phrases by parts and are not able to recollect the exact words, or you want to include somebody's name and you are missing out his/her middle/last/first name, then this command will be the right option for you.

3. Site Command: When you want to search something specific within a site, this command will return all the related pages containing your search term.

Syntax: Keyword/Search Term site:URL

Example: Mining Industry

Uses: When you are searching for a report or looking for specific data within a site, this command will fetch you results, which can tell you whether the desired data is available within the site, or you have to look for some other website. Indeed a real time saver.

4. News Search: News sites deliver very important and timely information beforehand, related to industries and market. Market Research Professionals always follow their favorite news and PR sites for latest industry information. This command will help you to extract desirable news from the sites that you visit regularly.

Syntax: Keyword/Search Term Source: Site name

Example: Fuel Price Hike source:Times_of_India

Uses: Very useful when you are writing a report or a blog post on a current topic and you require some quantitative and qualitative data for reference.

5. File Type Command: File type command will let you search files of various kinds of formats. Using this command, you can easily search Acrobat PDF files, Word Files, and Power Point Files.

Syntax: Keyword/Search Term filetype: pdf/ppt/doc/txt/png

Example: 4G Market Reports filetype:pdf

Uses: Very useful when you are looking for sample reports for reference.

Note: Copy and Paste Examples in Google Search Box and See the results.

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