Friday, June 15, 2012

Marketing Statistics That Show That Email and Online Marketing Is the Way to Go

Exploring and knowing marketing stats can help prepare a marketer for the next move to make for their company. Based on these marketing statistics, we can figure out what exactly we should do, where to focus our efforts on, how to do that, and what we should start fixing up in our marketing approaches. So, let us explore a few of these marketing statistics and what we can do with them.

1/3 of the world's population is on the Internet - Knowing this, you should be able to surmise that online marketing is a sure-fire way to establish your presence. And since such a large fraction of the total populace is online, marketers have already started making great usage of email marketing in doing business. They even go as far as to buy email lists from list providers and list vendors that can provide them with the data and B2B leads they need. With a large number of people being on the Internet, it is surely a wise choice to start investing in online marketing methods and other such things.

44% of direct mail is never opened - Although not being over 50%, the percentage is frightfully high. Over the years, direct mail has become an inefficient and quite expensive way of marketing. And seeing such figures, you may start wondering just how much of your sent marketing and business mails remain unopened by your prospects. For this, marketers have turned to email marketing as a more efficient and inexpensive alternative to direct mail. That being said, email marketing is now the way to go for generating new B2B leads in opposition to direct mail.

59% of B2B marketers say that email is an effective revenue generator - A lot of marketers seem to agree that email is the new way to go for generating revenue. Although some will oppose them and say that direct mail is still one of the best to use, well, we can all attest to those words through our own experiences with using email as a B2B lead generator for increased profits. The rate at which acquires B2B leads through email marketing is high, and you can drag in a lot of leads on a daily basis, given of course your content is relevant to your prospects. Due to this, list providers and list vendors all over are scouring the entire area and looking for customers to buy their email lists. And as an important part of how an email marketing campaign runs, a list of emails really is a necessity.

Based on these 3 statistics, you can say that online marketing is becoming quite popular and offers the best opportunity for you to get some business going. Go with email marketing then. With figures like these, you can see that using email marketing may just be to your advantage. Also, another statistic shows that emails sent during the morning have higher click-through rates, meaning that the ideal time to send your marketing and business emails to your prospects would be during their morning hours while they work. However, this move also entails that you'll need to start learning about different email platforms and start buying email marketing lists for your campaign. Luckily, there are a lot of service providers that you can work with, email marketing firms and list providers for example, to help you beef up and make your email marketing campaign effective in generating B2B leads.

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