Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3 Quick Tips to Build Your List Bigger, Better and Faster

List building is a huge topic and I can think of upwards of fifty different tactics and activities you can use to get more people to join your list. And this is part of the problem. There are so many tactics to employ that many entrepreneurs dive into this marketing activity without an overall strategy.

This can result in two undesirable outcomes. First of all, your list will be full of all the wrong people and therefore not responsive to your communications and sales messages. And second, the growth will be in fits and starts as you swing from one tactic to another which is bound to slow down your progress.

Here's my 3 quick tips to help you build your list bigger, better and faster.

1. Set a goal

Because list building is vital to the success of your business it's essential that you set a goal. It's amazing how many people lament the fact that their list isn't growing - or worse still it's getting smaller as people drop off - yet they are vague about what they want to achieve because they have no clear goal.

Like all clear goals it must be stated specifically, be measurable and have an end date. First step is to write down how many people are on your list, decide on the increase you want in percentage terms and what number that represents and choose the date you want to have reached this number.

My tip is not to make it too big an increase or too long a timeframe. You can always set a new goal as soon as you achieve it and of course you will!

2. Have a plan

Once again, because list building is vital to the success of your business you must have a plan. You simply cannot leave this to chance or rely on random or ad-hoc activities and expect to get the results you want.

Choose the activities with the highest payoff for effort and the ones you enjoy to do. Or that can be easily delegated where possible. Schedule each one into your calendar to make sure they get implemented.

Chunk down your goal and estimate how many new people will join your list from each activity and do your best to measure those results. The main point is that you keep increasing your list to reach your goal, but if you identify which activities are most successful it means you can do more of the same.

3. Accept that List Building is a not a sprint but a marathon

The sooner you realise that List Building is an ongoing activity necessary for the duration of your business the sooner you'll understand the need to pace yourself.

That's not to say you can't or won't have a big push now and then to accelerate the process but you can't keep that up all the time. For the rest of the time you need to consistently and persistently follow your plan.

Using these 3 tips means that over time you will build your list bigger, better and faster with increasing numbers of qualified prospective clients. You will also continue to reap the rewards in increased sales of your programs and services when you have a bigger, qualified, more responsive audience to share them with.

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