Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Social Chat Communication For Business

Social websites have come a long way since Friendster. If you are an avid socializer on the web, then you already know that there are almost limitless features on many of the latest and greatest social webs. Some of them offer apps so you can extend their functionality to your liking, while other just have so many features that you can use what you like and leave the rest. Using chat in social networks for business is just one way, but a very important one, that you can start taking advantage of these million dollar websites and give your business the upper hand in whatever market you are in.

4 Reasons Chat In Social Networks For Business Really Works

1. You can engage people directly. This allows you to communicate with prospects or existing clients without the need to build or maintain your own infrastructure, website and secure chat. Talk about big value and low cost, this is a great way to answer customer service questions or just to explain your product or service before your new prospect decides to buy.

2. Let your customers know you are a real person. How many times have you tried to get customer service on a huge corporate site and had no luck finding a real person, instead just getting shown a thousand frequently asked questions that have nothing to do with what you want to know? The chances are this has happened more than once and using chat in social networks for business communications can really solve this in a snap.

3. You can use chat for marketing! Yes, many people do not even think about this, but chat is a great resource for those who are looking for new customers. Many social networks will allow you to browse different groups or forums by subject. These groups can be a honey pot, if you take your time and find the right people that need what you have to offer. Join some groups and start chatting with the active members to see how you may be able to turn your efforts into some direct sales and you may be surprised how easy this can be.

4. Network with other business owners. You can find people who are in complementary businesses and communicate with them this way too. This is a stealthy way to setup partnerships and business relationships that can blossom into beautiful and profitable connections if you are careful.

There is no doubt that online chat on various social site can be a powerful sales tool and a sweet customer service resource, but you must be careful how you use these chat features. Do not use them to spam and do not use them to mislead people. If you use these direct pipes to consumers with a high ethical standard, you can produce some great results. However, just like any other tool, if it is not used correctly you never know what kind of results you will receive.

Have fun with your chat marketing and make sure to offer something free or at least provide great information. There is nothing that prospects like to see more than big value before they spend their first dollar!

To Success,

Nick Simpson

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