Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why Having A Schedule Is Crucial?

Besides the fact that it will help someone run their life a lot smoother, it also helps you get more done with your day. Time is the only thing that we cannot stop, and there's only 24 hours in a day. Have you ever felt like you needed more time to get things done? That is exactly why people need to be creating schedules. People often do not set a schedule for them to follow that allows them to use every second of their time. I never really thought about it all too much until recently. I was watching a television show and they were introducing this gentlemen and they were naming all his hobbies and what he did in his everyday life. I was extremely appalled to see all the activities he had going on. He mentioned that he had himself on a schedule, which allowed him to do everything that he had to. This automatically set something off in my head. By having a schedule, it will help individuals be more responsible and punctual. Taking time to plan out everything you want to do and when it needs to be done; well only become a benefit in your life.

Schedule for whom?

The individuals that really should put their lives on a schedule is:

Stay at home moms- For the simple fact that there are without a doubt the busiest people that I know. They have tons to do in and out of the house. These moms are constantly doing something for their kids. So yes, stay at home moms should most definitely create a schedule for themselves. Although most of them already do, and I'm sure they will assure anyone that it is a must.

College Students- Of course college students should be creating schedule for themselves! As a college student, I know how hard it is to control your academic life, social life, and most of all your work life. Every college student should know what I'm talking about. By creating a schedule it will help the college student's life tremendously.

Work At Home Individuals- As a recent "employee" of working at home. I find it very very beneficial to have a schedule. Having a schedule allows me to work less, work when I want, and get the most work done. Everyone's schedule is different, maybe you want to work in the night, and sleep in the afternoon and workout in the morning. People can do what they please and still be on time for dinner, just having a schedule changes everything.

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