Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Small Business Marketing Secrets: Where Will You Be and What Do You Want?

While there are numerous secrets to success, we will begin with the first two which are critical.

Small Business Marketing Secrets: Where Will You Be and What Do You Want?

Small Business Marketing Secret #1- Where will I be?

One of the most important questions I was asked early in my career was, "Where will you be if you keep doing what you are doing?"

This question and the answer are critical to a successful small business marketing plan (especially if you do something to ensure you'll end up where you want to be in five years!)

To ensure clients are where they want to be in five years, my colleague and friend, Judy Willodson, asks each new prospect, "If you continue doing what you are doing, where will you be in five years?" The answer to that question is one of the most important pieces of information you need to achieve success in all areas of your life.

After identifying where you are, as well as where you will likely be if you continue doing what you are doing; the next step is to identify the missing pieces in your small business marketing plan. My experience from advising and speaking to tens of thousands of advisors, independent services providers and small business owners, is most required changes that need to be made are minor not major. The secret of success is to identify the missing pieces and then create a plan to correct them.

Small Business Marketing Secret #2- What do I really want?

To achieve any goal or dream, we must first decide what we want. Unfortunately, too many advisors, small business owners and service providers do not know what they really want. Many know what they don't want but ask them what they do want and they'll respond with an answer such as, "Well, that is an interesting question." Because the answer is critical to our success, we must find the answer!

When we take the time to determine what we want personally as well as professionally, we dramatically increase the odds of achieving it.

Spending time in a quiet place is an effective strategy to discover what you really want. First, identify a location that is quiet such as in nature or a room without distractions. Begin by breathing. This will slow your mind and thoughts. Next, close your eyes and visualize your ideal life and business. Since there is no right or wrong, dream as big as possible!

I refer to another effective strategy for determining what you want in The 7 Principles of Becoming a Millionaire for Life, I refer to it as Releasing Mental Blocks and Core Beliefs. This strategy provides insight for getting answers to your biggest challenges, as well as releasing mental blocks and core beliefs. A key component of this exercise consists of writing the question with your dominant hand and then answering the question with your non-dominant hand.

Start by writing questions for 10 minutes each day and then increase it up to 30 minutes. The key is to consistently write until you find the answer. You will know you have found the answer because you will experience it in your reality. This strategy is effective to determine what you want in every aspect of your life, personally as well as professionally.

The goal isn't perfection! Just take the time to find the answer and enjoy the process. You can always make modifications on your journey.

The key is for you to determine what you really want and then create a small business marketing plan to ensure you will get it!

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