Monday, June 4, 2012

Do You Worry About Being Too Aggressive With Marketing Your Holistic Health Practice?

Have you been reluctant to promote your holistic health service for fear of seeming obnoxious or desperate for clients? Let's look at the distinction between assertiveness and aggressiveness, between ethical and manipulative marketing. The way to make people aware of your creative solutions to their challenges, without seeming pushy or needy, is to freely share your work!

Of course you don't want people to equate you with the slick used-car salesman trying to sell them a clunker car! When you share high-value information, it compels people to learn more about what you have to offer. When your solution matches their problem, they want to know you and your business better. Giving is more client-friendly than selling. When you give, you're not selling, you're offering service. People are thrilled when they find the solution they've been looking for, and they are happy to buy from you when they don't feel pushed or manipulated into buying. Your generosity inspires their confidence in you as the right practitioner to help them with their health challenges. So give them something of value, as a way of getting acquainted with your work and to let them know how you can help them, with no pressure to buy anything. Make it clear that you are more interested in helping them than in selling to them!

An effective way do this is by sharing your information, product or service with an Irresistible Free Offer. The IFO - as it is commonly known in the marketing industry - is a product, program, service or information of high value that is useful for the prospect's problem, pain or challenge. Offered at no cost, it creates strong interest and logically attracts clients into your holistic health practice.

When people ask about your work, rather than spending your valuable time explaining the same information repeatedly, you can simply say, "Visit my website for a free report and a complimentary subscription to our weekly newsletter filled with valuable information and health tips." Then be sure to include a special offer or promotion in every issue of your newsletter, which they will receive only if they opt-in. This way, you are not pushing anything. They will only receive info from you if they request it by signing up for it.

Generously sharing your work has several positive results:
1) you educate your potential clients about how you can help them;
2) prospects are excited to get valuable info for free;
3) they're impressed by the value that you share;
4) they equate your high-value IFO with your high-quality work;
5) when they see your work as their answer, you get more clients;
6) more clients create more in.come for you;
7) more in.come gives you the success and lifestyle that you need, want and deserve!

It's a win-win situation! Prospects get solutions and better health; you get more clients and more income! When you give a small sample of your high-value, high-content information at no charge, people will assume that if your free stuff is so great, then your paid work will be even more fabulous!

Your IFO can be a special report, a CD, an e-book, an audio download, a class or a sample treatment. When you share content that has excellent useful information, your marketing feels comfortable for you and sincere to the client, rather than pushy, manipulative or inauthentic.

In a service-oriented business, such as your holistic healthcare practice, your Irresistible Free Offer can be a trial treatment, a free consultation and treatment plan, or a product sample, for instance.

An added bonus to sharing a free introduction of your work is that people will be so impressed with what you shared that they will naturally become your unpaid sales team and spread the word to their family, friends, colleagues, without you even asking for referrals!

Once you've captured their interest - and their email address - you can continue marketing to them on a regular basis with keep-in-touch marketing vehicles, such as your ezine, a free report, greeting cards and/or update letters about your practice. This further establishes the know-like-trust factor, so the person becomes familiar with your work and pre-qualifies her/himself as your Ideal Client. You'll be amazed at how quickly your client base grows with the help of your IFO and other client-attractive marketing materials!

When you give generously, you also get an opportunity to offer other resources that will help the prospect, such as more information, a product or various treatment options. When someone visits your website or calls you, they took the initiative because they are looking for the solution to a problem. They choose whether to opt in or not, so you're not pushing yourself and your services on them. Instead, you're honoring their call for help by offering them something of value, using 'magnetic marketing' techniques to attract clients to your practice.

Take action now! The most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who act quickly and decisively! Think about what service or information you can share, such as a special report, article, CD, class or a sample treatment. Find out how to create, produce and distribute the IFO of your choice. If you are not tech-savvy, this is a good project to outsource to a live or virtual assistant.

Once you decide what to use as your IFO, make sure it's high-content (without giving away the farm!) and that you have a way to contact your prospects so you can regularly share more high-value with them. When you convert loyal subscribers into long-term clients with this marketing strategy, you can stop worrying about appearing pushy or needy, because you are sharing, not selling!

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