Friday, June 1, 2012

The Best Marketing Advice I Could Ever Give

Unique Selling Proposition

What is it?

It's the one thing you can hang onto that separates you from your competition.

It's what Wal-Mart has with their cheapest prices.
What McDonald's has with their fastest service.
What FedEx has with their overnight shipping.

A USP is something that defines your success. It's that one thing that makes people choose you over anyone else. The clearer and more unique your USP is, the easier it will be for you to recruit people. The easier it will be to sell your products to them.

You must strategically craft your USP to position yourself apart from everyone else.

"But how do I do this?" you might ask. You do this by being yourself as best you can. Being as 100% authentic as possible.

Don't try to be someone you are not. People can easily see through you if you are not being yourself. They won't trust you. "Faking it" will cause you to come off as uncomfortable to your prospects. They will see this and think you have something to hide.

In creating your unique selling proposition you have to first have confidence in yourself. You have to have confidence that you are good enough. You have to believe that you are a leader that people must follow. I do you expect to earn six figures and have an organization of thousands of people if you don't believe in yourself.

People follow leaders. People go to your blog for perspective. They want to see your point of view. They want to see how you deliver it. A lot of times, they're interested in your character more than your content.

I can tell you from personal experience that it's the messenger more than the message that matters. Example: two networkers from the same company pitch the opportunity to the same prospect. The prospect decides to join one guy over the other. Why? The messenger. Because of this, you have to make sure people have a clear vision of who you are, what you stand for, and what your strengths and weaknesses are.

It's important for people to know about your background. What career did you come from? How did you get started in this industry? These insights into your past are what separate you from everyone else. There is not one person in this world who has the same background and same experiences as you. Your past is part of your USP.

Your teaching style is also part of your USP. This includes your tone of voice, the rhythm of your voice, the type of communication you use. Whether you use imagery or not. The types of stories you tell...etc....

Being as transparent as possible is the best way to go. And frankly, in this day and age it's the only way to go especially if you're just starting out. Let's face it, when you're just starting out you can;'t offer the best training on prospecting or online marketing. When you're just staring out you can't offer much of anything. The only thing different and unique you could offer is you...That's it. No "ninja" strategies or "never before seen expert advice". Just you.

This is why the absolute best marketing advice I could give you would be to believe in yourself. Have confidence in yourself. Know, with a passion, that you have value to offer. Don't know what to offer? Don't worry. If your intentions are good you will find value to offer. You could share with people what you've read or seen in other trainings. Remember, there's no need to reinvent the wheel. You don't have to come up with an idea no one's ever thought of. Just focus on sharing with people your experiences. Focus on helping people and solving their problems. If you concentrate all your efforts on that, your USP will work to perfection.

And to reiterate...None of this works if you don't have yourself established. What do I mean? You have to believe that you're good enough. Believe in yourself. It's the most powerful advice I could give you. And if you don't have enough confidence in yourself quite yet, know that I believe in you. I believe in you because I know there is greatness in you just like I know that about myself. Take that and run with it. It's the best support I could give you. I know because that's what I was told the same thing too and that's one of the reasons why I have confidence and why I believe in myself today.

Now go out there and focus on giving value. People will thank you for it. People will join you for it. You will feel good when you read positive comments about the value you've provided. The more you believe in yourself, the more success you will have.

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