Monday, June 11, 2012

Text Message Marketing For Independent Artist And Bands

It is irrelevant how talented you are, or how great your family and friends think you may be. If do not have any marketing to help you get exposure you will always be a talented person that only your family and friends enjoy. Without some form of marketing your career is nothing more than a billboard in the middle of the rain forest - nobody knows about it. Traditional forms of marketing are often expensive and rarely has a good return on investment. That is why many artist, bands and DJ's are turning towards SMS text message marketing as their primary platform of marketing to take their careers to the next level.

Most artist are convinced that their succeeding or failing depends on their talents. That is one of the largest misconceptions in the entertainment industry. Please do not misunderstand my intention here. I am really not saying that talent does not matter at all. Naturally you do need to at least have a little talent in order to succeed in this industry. However the major roll of any entertainers career boils down to one thing - marketing.

The conventional forms of marketing such as magazines, television, and radio cost way to much in comparison to your return on investment. More importantly with traditional forms of marketing it is not possible to build a personal connection with your fan base. This is yet another reason so many people in the entertainment business are beginning to turn to SMS message marketing as their chosen method of promoting themselves.

Before you continue reading this article I would like to make sure that you and I are on the same page when it comes to what makes an artist, band or DJ successful. To do that I have created what I like to call my simple success formula:

Talent + Targeted Marketing = Targeted Fans

Targeted Fans = Successful Career

I cannot emphasize this enough... Everything you do comes down to marketing, marketing marketing... Marketing is the only way to introduce your talents to a larger platform. The larger your platform the larger your fan base. The larger your fan base the more products you will sell, and a successful career is determined your bottom line at the end of the day.

By this time we should both be on the same page, and we mutually agree on the success formula that I shared with you. Now let me show you some more of the advantages you get when you leverage the power of SMS text marketing to promote your career.

  1. Instantly announce current and future sales promotions.
  2. Update your fan base on your latest career activities.
  3. Easily build your fan base by holding contest for users to opt-in to your list.
  4. Inform fans of your new video releases.
  5. Make instant sales by allowing your fan base to purchase your product immediately from their phone.
  6. Run multiple campaigns (depending on which package you signed up for).
  7. Let your fans know where your next gig is.

The possibilities are limitless, you are only held back by your own imagination.

This news article is brought to you by DANCING - where latest news are our top priority.

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