Friday, May 25, 2012

Your Business and Becoming a Celebrity To Your Customers

Today, thought we could take a trip to Hollywood. You may watch a lot of television or even know someone caught up in the "reality train" going on.

Whether you like them or not, there are definitely some lessons to learn from this fad and notice how some people become famous for basically...nothing.

Let's avoid all the shiny stars right now and grab some profitable nuggets from all the excitement.

It seems like people can't get enough of "reality TV". We all have a life and we all have our reality. Why in the world do people get caught up in all the Hollywood glitz and drama? One reason...

An Escape!

We're all busy, we all have issues, we all want to simply take a break and experience something different. We want to get away from our busy lives and just relax. The funny thing is and how this relates to your business is...

Sometimes your customers could use a break from the "norm" as well. Sometimes they want the "celebrity or VIP" experience.

A lot of them want a true buying experience that's exciting. Not the same old thing that others provide them.

That means that as soon as they enter your store, or your website, or wherever you do business, you should be providing the ultimate-unique experience.

I bet you could think of something right now that you could do to give your customers more of that "Hollywood Experience". Got It?

Here's a couple to get your mind going just in case...

One way is a VIP package or service. A star studded service or package that makes them feel like a celebrity. Another way...

How you engage the customer. Treat every client like a celebrity. If you have staff, then they should be polite and treat that customer like it's the only one.

Rewards programs are another way. Even themed promotions and events can throw a little "Hollywood" into the mix.

Those are a few and the list definitely go's on.

The point is...What else could you do to make your customers feel special and look at you as the only one who gives that "Hollywood" experience to them?

I bet, if you sit down right now, think of a few more ideas and put them into action, you could easily be seeing lines of people at your next big premier or offer.

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