Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fear - A Barrier To Service!

When was the last time you felt fear about something in your business? Have you ever really thought about where/how that might be holding you back? One thing you need to know is that we ALL feel fear about one thing or another but, as Susan Jeffers writes so eloquently......'feel the fear and do it anyway'!

Most often you will read articles about fear and how it gets in the way of your success. My approach is different in that I want you to reframe that - think about fear and where/how it gets in the way of you serving the world! Isn't that why you got into business in the first place - to be of service?

In the work I do with my coaching clients, I hear about fear all the time, ALL THE TIME. This is a huge issue with women entrepreneurs and, while I realize that there are strong feelings about the fear of success - I want you to think about this differently.

When my clients tell me they have to get 'psyched up' to make a 'sales' call, again I recommend they just reframe that whole experience. It really is about being of service - not being 'sales-y'. Listen, no one likes to be SOLD - I don't and you don't. So, just get that whole concept out of your head.

Instead, remember all the reasons why you are in business - keep in mind the solution and the transformation that you provide to people - and know that, for the most part, you are the best kept secret in the world. And that's why you need to get on the telephone to talk to people - that's why you need to get out to networking events - that's why you need to be speaking at public events - that's why you need to write articles with great content - that's why you need to be a guest on a radio or T.V. show. That's how you are going to grow your business and make money, too.

In the midst of all the marketing frenzy, we tend to lose sight of our 'why' and, instead, get caught up in all the ways to grow your business to 6-figures and beyond - we get caught up in the sales tactics and techniques. Of course you need to learn all of that - but until you get past the basic fear of speaking to people about how you can be of service, you're not going to get anywhere near making a sale anyway!


I learned this from my mentor, Lou Tice. Fear brings on hesitation which leads to failure. It's that simple. I want you to think about all the ways you can be of service to people - based on your area of expertise. Seriously. Make a list - right now! (helping them to grow and lead happy lives - or helping them to create beauty in their own backyard - or helping them to strengthen their relationships)

Now, make a list of all your (so-called) fears that are getting in the way of you serving people and helping them get past their pain - just how real are these fears anyway? (The acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.) One of my clients just had a major breakthrough when it came to getting paid what she deserves for a speaking engagement. Her fear of asking for the fee she deserved was getting in the way of her phenomenal teaching when it comes to reducing stress in your life. (Who does NOT have stress in their lives right now?) Now that she has just been contracted at a fabulous speaking fee, her self-confidence has increased, her determination to get her message out in a big way is at an all-time high and, most importantly, people are now going to get the information they need to reduce stress and expand their lives!

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