Friday, May 25, 2012

New Dental Patint Referrals - One Super Key to Get More Referrals and How to Do It (One Step Simple)

Sometimes we overlook the simple solution and make things more complicated than they really are. Many dentists think of referrals as a complicated process, but it definitely doesn't have to be.

Here is one sure key for getting more referrals for your dental practice:


I'll bet you weren't expecting to see that.

Testimonials are a way for you to build your own visibility. When you provide testimonials for people, you are building your reputation as a giver. You are rewarding people who you believe deserve a testimonial, and you are increasing your own credibility.

How many times has someone given you a compliment? That makes you smile, right? (And of course dentists love to see people smile).

Doesn't that make you want to reciprocate?

The same concept applies with testimonials. When you provide testimonials for people, whether you do it simply because you've had a conversation with a patient and you know they have a great business, maybe you're a client of theirs and you want to do something nice for them. Giving them a testimonial, whether it be on their website, one of their social media profiles, a letter, an email; you are going to help increase your own visibility and the person for whom you are giving the testimonial.

The people you connect with at local business events would love to have testimonials from other business owners.

Once you start providing testimonials for others you will see many more opportunities.

How do you do it?

You can give a testimonial in an email, online, a comment on a blog post for someone, but how do you actually give that testimonial?

4 tips for giving a testimonial

1. Make it interesting, you want people to read it and finish reading it. Where possible tell a short story.

2. Be brief and simple, when people see large blocks of text they usually roll their eyes back and keep moving.

3. Write about something positive. You want to reflect well on both the person and business you are writing about and yourself.

4. Be sure to sign the testimonial with your name, company name and website address. What does all this give you in return? People will want to reciprocate; whether that be through testimonials they provide to you or in referrals, both are great for your dental practice. It is always good for the practice when other people are talking about how good you are.

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