Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Are Newsletters Still Relevant In Today's Marketplace

I was asked a question the other day which really surprised me.

I was asked why I thought it's so important to stay in regular contact with customers.

I was surprised because I mistakenly believed that all business people understand that keeping in touch with customers helps to keep you top of mind and therefore makes you more likely to receive orders when business is being handed out.

From this the conversation moved on to discussing newsletters and whether in these days of digital communications they are still a relevant means of communication.

So let me ask you - when you think of newsletters, what comes to mind?

The historic image of a newsletter is often an excruciatingly dull item where heavy sales messages are interspersed with the news that Doreen from accounts is leaving and Nicki, the boss's secretary is expecting a baby.

If that is still your perception of a company newsletter then I recommend that you get yourself up to date.

Newsletters can be a fantastic way to build relations with your customers and prospects and most definitely do have a place in your small company marketing but they do have to be executed correctly.

So what benefits can newsletters deliver?

  • They enable you to involve and engage your customers with your business
  • You can educate customers on your products and services
  • They allow you to introduce and profile members of your team
  • They give you the opportunity to share testimonials and case studies with your audience
  • You can introduce a bit of fun with competitions and jokes
  • You can update your customers on developments in your company
  • You can give your customers exposure through profiles
  • You can develop the relationships and create strong bonds with your customers

All these things are of course highly desirable but to achieve these objectives you have to produce a publication which people enjoy reading and look forward to receiving.

So how will you achieve this?

The following tips will point you in the right direction.

1. Obviously you want your newsletter to promote your company but the selling shouldn't be overt. As I've already said newsletters should sell by strengthening relations with your customers and prospects and by enhancing their perceptions of your business.

2. Create an interesting and engaging title. The newsletter will need an identity so create one which relates to your industry and its subject matter but which will create interest and involvement.

3. A table of contents is a sensible thing to have on the front page. This shows readers at a glance what the newsletter contains and should encourage them to read it.

4. The lead article is vital. Remember the success of your newsletter is all about connection and involvement. No one will connect with a dry, boring article.

Stories work well. Make it personal. If readers enjoy the first article they will read on.

5. As a rule of thumb probably no more than about 40% of the content should relate directly to your business. The other 60% can be filled up with what you could call semi relevant content. This might include:

· Customer spotlights

· Testimonials

· Welcome to new customers

· Q and A

· Competitions

· Trivia

· Seasonal themes

· Even jokes

Remember you want people to enjoy reading your newsletter so make it enjoyable.

6. The other vital element to include is pictures. Nice big, colourful pictures.

There are few things more off putting than being faced by large screeds of solid text. Break it up with pictures, use plenty of sub heads, make it look interesting.

7. This brings us on to an important issue - the physical appearance of your newsletter. It must be visually attractive which probably means you will need to use a professional designer. This doesn't mean it has to be expensive but the appearance will be vital.

Hard Copy or Digital

In these days of electronic communication is it better to send your newsletter electronically or go the traditional and more expensive route and print it?

The answer is that a printed item will be more effective.

When there is lots of text involved most people prefer to read from a printed item as opposed to reading off a screen.

The best solution is to send out hard copy versions in the post and then follow up with an electronic copy. That way you get two bites at the cherry and everybody will get it in the format they prefer.

This news article is brought to you by BIRDS - where latest news are our top priority.

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