Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Create a Winning Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a 30-second response to the question: "so, what do you do"? Most of us have an elevator pitch or at least realize we need one. You never know when someone will walk up to you and ask: "so, what do you do"? You might not have 30 seconds to answer this question. Let me explain what happened to me last year when I gave a speech in the San Francisco Bay Area.

A man walked up to me afterwards, pointed a finger and said" "in 15 words or less, why should I do business with you"? I said" "what"? He repeated the question. I looked like Mr. Stupid and I had a very long drive home from the Bay Area.

That gave me time to think up some good responses. These include:

  • I turn your problems into solutions
  • I've been doing this since ****
  • My ideas work for my clients and for my business

This 15 word response will probably take 8 seconds to recite. Yes, I am asking you to condense your 30 second elevator pitch into 8 seconds. This is not easy. However, 8 seconds may be all the time you have to answer the: "so, what do you do" question. You have to be ready. I find myself at many network events during a given month. I've recited a 30-second elevator pitch and felt people tuned out after about 15 seconds.

We've all heard elevator pitches and have grown tired of them. Listening to a verbal pitch for 30 seconds seems more difficult and unattractive than ever. That's why 30 seconds is too long and why you need a much shorter response. Your 15 word (8 second) response to the question: "why should I do business with you" is a much more attractive option.

You should also put this in your online profiles. LinkedIn permits a 120 character headline. Assuming the average word has 8 characters, you can squeeze 15 words into a LinkedIn headline. This will work very strongly to your benefit. When someone finds you at LinkedIn, they will see your picture, your name and your headline. Some good LinkedIn headlines include: "Leader | Mgmt/Business Consultant | Speaker | Social Media Evangelist | Salesman | Trainer" and "I use Internet tools to help your ideal customers find you, your products and your services." These are sharp and concise. They have to be,

When someone Google's your product or service and sees your entry at LinkedIn, they will see your name and headline. Yes, my friends, the LinkedIn headlines are indexed. Creating a powerful and keyword-friendly headline can work to your benefit.

You can borrow one of mine or write a few that a specific to you and/or your profession. Feel free to contact me via EzineArticles for my feedback.

Four Steps To Mobile Marketing

There is no other medium in our lives that is quite literally always on and always with us like our mobile device. Many of us will spend more time in e-mail, text connections and social media from our phones than we will talking on it.

Yet, interest in mobile marketing remains low, per the Participatory Marketing Network (PMN) only about 20% are now receiving targeted promotional messages. And PMN also reveals that users would be more likely to abandon social media rather than the mobile device. That indicates there is a unique opportunity and that mobile marketing is still an infant waiting to be nurtured.

The up and coming generation is all over the mobile devices and you can expect that mobile technology might replace the personal computer as we know it today. Some industries are successfully leading the way by integrating innovative mobile ads into their overall strategies. The time for marketers to embrace mobile advertising is now.

The real challenge is getting your message effectively in front of the consumers within a specified target market. Yes, we can build mobile device enhancements into our websites but even then things like e-commerce sites are clumsy. Still, there are things you can do to enhance your mobile marketing. Below are some tips you may wish to evaluate.

When you are incorporating mobile into your marketing strategies should take some time to develop a realistic process and procedure. Set up some benchmarks to measure your success. Simple click through rates are flat, but can give you good information on how effective your attention getting process is working. You will need more such as your list growth. Split testing for different banners or media you use. Be sure to develop a set of metrics that will give you knowledge about what the customer is responding to and what processes are giving the highest returns.

Your highest ROI will be from mixed use of multimedia elements rather than a simple presentation of a product or service. Often an interactive process with a landing page where you can combine elements such as banners, video and other options to engage the customer. Make the most of the increasing availability of mobile devices with sophisticated multimedia, web and video capabilities to showcase brands and products to consumers with the highest impact.

So how do you get started? As always the first step in any marketing endeavor is the business plan. You must know where you want to go, have an idea on how to get there and some metrics to help you know if you have arrived. There are many tools you can use and some you may need to develop along the way but a plan is essential. You will need it with the next step because the vendor will require some of the information you have in it.

Your next step is to apply for your short code. The short code is the special phone numbers that can be used in SMS and MMS messages. It is sometimes called the vanity code and is unique to your company. These codes take two or three months to assign and will come from your mobile technology vendor. It is important to select the right technology partner in this so look closely at AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and others to be sure they have the flexibility and tools you are looking for.

You also need carrier approval. Your technology partner should take care of this for you but you do have to apply. You will need this approval to put your plan into action. They will want to know your strategic plan and many details about your marketing plan. Approvals are usually provided during the period of time when you are making application for your short code. The mobile carriers must sign off on your program in advance. Each one may have different rules, but most want to review a sample message and test your opt-in processes.

Develop an Opt-in process. Just like e-mail you cannot just upload a database and start texting.Opt-in is a mandatory requirement. You must get specific consent to contact people via SMS. After getting the consent in writing, keep a record of the fact that you have it. It is important to note, the opt-in process has to be started outside of your mobile process. It is considered spam if a user didn't specifically send you a text message from the mobile phone number in question. Push marketing is not allowed in this venue and mobile carriers can be harsh on companies suspected of spam.

Those are the four structural steps you need. Who would have thought it would be so easy, or not? Develop a plan, apply for a number, get approvals and have an external opt-in process. One more thought; in your process only use urgent content.Time-sensitive or immediate action messages are best. If it can be sent by e-mail or another process, do so. You are using some of your customer's messaging allotment and you do not want to abuse that privilege. Your customers or subscribers may not value your text message if they are long and take up more than one text allotment or are just informational. Happy Marketing.

This news article is brought to you by YOUR LIFE YOUR CHOICES YOUR MIND - where latest news are our top priority.

Dental Marketing Blog - Tips To Connect With Your Patients and Increase Business

Are you worried that the revenues from your dental practice are dropping steadily? You need to take concrete steps to increase the number of patients you treat and also get them to spend more money on each visit. You can easily achieve your objectives if you know how to use the internet correctly. A dental marketing blog in particular will help you increase business tremendously. As a matter of fact, this is a very cost-effective way of promoting your business.

People prefer to use the internet to get information about things and it's no different for dental patients. If your dental marketing blog is filled with useful and up to date information about the various services you offer then it will certainly attract a lot of readers. This is a great way to attract new customers to your dental practice since many of your readers will be in the same geographical location as you. Make sure that your blog has correct contact information and it also features a map of your clinic. Many people will write to you in response to your blog posts and this will help build your popularity.

You should encourage your existing patients to visit your website or blog, preferably by collecting their email addresses so that you can send them the URL to your site. If you work hard to make it interesting and useful then they will always look forward to reading it. This is a great opportunity for you to educate patients about the latest developments in your clinic. This will encourage them to come to your clinic more often and not just when they have cavities or other problems. There are many cosmetic dentistry procedures that don't cost too much but which can greatly enhance the quality of life of a patient. Sometimes people just need a nudge in the direction of these treatments.

If your blog is able to attract a large number of visitors then this will automatically improve your search engine ranking. You therefore have to constantly work on keeping it attractive and relevant. This might be easier said than done, especially since you might not have the time or expertise for the job. The simplest thing would be to get a professional internet marketing company to manage your dental marketing blog. This will ensure that your business is promoted in the correct manner while you can focus on your main job which is providing high quality dental care!

This news article is brought to you by BEING PLUS SIZE WOMEN - where latest news are our top priority.

Significance of Corporate Signage - Reasons to Try It And Things to Decide On

A corporate signage is among the cheapest types of advertisements existing today. It is an attractive sign or notice that is usually designed, manufactured and installed professionally to supply enduring benefits to a business. Corporate signs are ideal for small, medium and large businesses. They are key advertising and marketing tools that you can use to penetrate a competitive industry. These signs can range from giant billboards erected by the roadsides to detailed infomercials printed on a fabric. Even if a corporate signage is a traditional method of advertising it has continued to be very trendy even with the introduction of internet marketing.

Do you know why? This form of advertising is not only viewable but also tangible and real. It usually involves items such as giant billboards, awnings, vehicle decals, retail shop entrance signs, wall graphics and window signs among others. They are designed in a way that leaves nothing to the imagination. When potential customers come across these things, a picture of what they have just seen forms and stays in the mind indefinitely. Even if they do not end up buying what you sell immediately they are likely to do so in the future. A few reasons why you want try corporate signage are enumerated below.

  1. To take advantage of economical and durable advertising.
  2. To attract target audience to your business
  3. To build stronger relationships with new and old customers.
  4. To help your enterprise survive despite intense competition in your field of business
  5. To convey information about your business mission, vision and core values.
  6. To build a consistent business image or brand throughout your advertisements, logos, and other properties.
  7. To boost business performance in terms of revenues and profits.

A corporate signage is created by a company that specializes in signs writing and installation. A company that you want to hire to carry out your project should help you decide on a number of important things. The first thing is the distance that the sign will be viewed from. In this case you want to identify the appropriate letter height in relation to distance. Your favorite sign writer should inform you about the recommended letter height (in inches) with respect to distance (in Feet). The second thing to consider is the available space or size of your poster. In most cases the size of your sign would be used to determine the amount of money you would be charged. The third thing to reflect on is any local or municipal zoning regulations that your business is expected to comply with when erecting external signs.

There is a limit on the size of infomercials that are constructed outside the business. So you will mostly need a permit to put-up a billboard or a similar poster. Some companies charge a fee to get this permit on their clients' behalf in a legal and quick manner. Apart from the three things mentioned above, you cannot avoid making a decision on the most appropriate materials that can be used to create your corporate signage. Again the company you want to use for this project should guide you on this matter. Choice of materials will mostly depend on the duration the poster is intended to last, site of installation (indoors or outdoors) and its size.

This news article is brought to you by CANCER - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Planning a Road-Show? Take These Tips on Tour

Road Shows are just sales calls in which your customers come to you.

With such an opportunity, it's best to get it right. You needn't sledgehammer your audiences into a coma with a plague of PowerPoint slides and there's no reason to display a thousand and one fussy charts and graphs, turning your entire tour into an explanation of wiggly lines.

With a smidgeon of thought, you can do better. Here's how:

Tip Number One: It's not about the facts. It's about the message

Most of the information that goes into road shows is of great interest to the speaker... and precious little to the audience. They don't always need every little dot and dash of data, and more often than not, they will be internally battling to work out what it all means.

What your audience craves - what they're there for - is the message. You are the translator, the interpreter, the thought-leadership in the room. Back your message up with a couple of poignant facts; by all means; but only by way of illustration. Then get to the point.

Tip Number Two: Use metaphors

On Top Gear, presenter Richard Hammond once described a Porsche's rear-mounted engine as being, "A bit like building a pyramid with the pointy bit at the bottom." Metaphors sum up complex ideas quickly. They're also a valuable persuasive tool.

Last year, I worked with the Chief Financial Officer of an investment firm, who was keen to ditch the PowerPoint in favour of a metaphor that would connect with his audiences. He wanted to capture the emotional uncertainty of the Recession, then provide hope and reassurance for the future. This is what he said:

"This time last year, you were lost in the forest and you were afraid, and you turned to me for guidance. What you didn't know was that I was equally scared. But that wasn't good enough. So we dug deep, and pulled on a hundred years of experience. We sought real answers. Our efforts prevailed and we found a glimmer of light in one direction. We led you that way. Today, I'm proud to stand before you and say that we are emerging from the forest, and the choice we made for you was the right one."

No graphs, no charts, neither dot nor dash. Just a message, lucidly summed up with a single metaphor. And it worked.

Tip Number Three: Use physical visuals

Can you represent your metaphor with something physical, something tangible, that you can place on the stage? Something that you can interact with? Physical props are much more effective than slides. Think about it: talking about how an organisation is losing resources is one thing. But holding up a bucket of water with a leak in the bottom is quite another.

Find a way to show what you mean, and your audiences will never forget you. Speaking about a domino effect? Topple dominos. Talking about luck? Spin a lottery wheel. Presenting on Pamela Anderson? Take actual balloons. You get the idea...

Tip Number Four: Slot in Q&A at the three-quarter mark

Don't end with Questions and Answers. If you do, you might face the awkward scenario of concluding on a defensive note, back-pedalling and having to justify yourself in the face of tough questions or an unanticipated attack. Instead, slot Q&A in at the three-quarter mark. Answer all the questions that you have time for, then wrap up the Q&A session. After that, do the conclusion that you want to do.

Tip Number Five: Leave them with clear instructions

What should you say in your conclusion? Quite simply, you need to tell them what to do. And be crystal clear; don't leave it up in the air. If the goal behind your road-show was to encourage existing clients to sign up for a new product, use the conclusion to be overt about it: "In a moment, I'd like you to stop by the table at the back and sign up. Then we will call you and organise a consultation."

Road shows are a great idea and an invaluable opportunity to speak intellectually, emotionally and with human connection, directly to your market. Put thought into how you go about your road show and the results will speak for themselves.

Happy touring!

Let Your B2B Leads Tell You Where You're Headed

It's official. Cloud computing is the latest trend in the B2B software scene. With companies like SAP now buying and investing in ways to take part, the signs are definitely pointing to a world were information is accessible from anywhere.

And in turn, companies providing this service have an even wider market that spans the entire world. However, just because you now have the whole world open to you doesn't mean the whole world is open to do business.

Such is the case with China. For many years, the country has been popularly held as the manufacturing capital of the world. As the saying goes, "God made mankind but everything else is made in China." Still, all that outsourcing should have accomplished something.

And accomplish it, it did. Today China stands as one of the world's rapidly growing economies. Various studies and statistics are indicating a larger consumer market but believe it or not, this may spell bad news to those outsourcing. A boost in disposable income by the working class could only mean costs are going up and it may be high time to shift manufacturing elsewhere. Meanwhile, there are also reports of the Chinese themselves now doing the offshoring and again, the manufacturing scene grows complicated by this sudden reversal. Throw in reports that actually contest those who are declaring China's growth and you might not even be sure what to believe anymore.

Despite that, you are an SCM software supplier and you will find yourself at the heart of all this. If there's anything you should take about all this buzz regarding China, it's the fact that you need to rely a lot more than reports to know where you're headed. Basically, it's just another case of confusing a general study of a population with the data needed for B2B leads. You cannot bring in such leads the same way you would bring in a fishing net. The uncertainty of China's economy should only tell you that you should get closer to each, individual manufacturer instead of relying too much on what the news has to say.

This doesn't mean that the reports and the coverage are not worth listening too. In fact, they can tell you a lot about what to expect but just remember that what they say will not be enough. You cannot know the whole truth of the situation unless you start talking to the decision makers themselves. Only then can you determine the accuracy of the reports.

Ask about how they're dealing with things like figuring out their budget. Use lead generation methods to gather information on their process. Does the state of their economy (improved or otherwise) make them more open to acquiring your software or has it tightened their budget for now?

Going global is a big step and it's not surprising that every company would take any means to reach that step as quickly as possible. On the other hand, once you're there, you might soon lose sight of where you're headed. The grass may not be as green as you had hoped and you'll find yourself once again in need of information. Don't wait until it's too late and always be prepared. Get your business some quality leads so that you'll know where you're headed.

Marketing Strategy Plan: What Will You Do If Your Strategic Planning Model Failed?

There is a saying that anyone who fails to plan, plans to fail. This may not be true in all aspects of life. It is possible for someone to plan but still fail due to one reason or the other. Every business requires a marketing strategy plan, which includes a workable strategic planning model. Experts with great insights in marketing have identified some models that will provide success.

What is a marketing audit?

A marketing audit refers to the process of planning a marketing strategy, which is usually conducted at any point of the implementation of the marketing process. The audit considers external (customer needs, competition etc.) and internal (price, promotion etc.) forces on strategic planning in marketing. Several factors could lead to the failure of any marketing model. What would you do if your strategic planning model failed? Consider the points below.

  • Your marketing plan needs accurate revision.

It is useful for you to revisit your strategic marketing plans. Look out for any gaps. Review it to know where there are flaws in the plan. Check if there are any changes in market forces, consumer needs, consumer spending habits, and your competitors. Having identified and analyzing these than modify the plan and implement it.

  • Marketing audit is useful.

There will be a need to do a marketing audit. As mentioned external and internal influences will have to be considered. Internal influences such as labour, finance, time, equipment, price, place, promotion and people must be examined. Also, external influences like customer needs, the effect of competition, the effects of culture and religion; all must be reviewed.

  • Continuous improvement.

The need for continuous improvement will never disappear. Controlling your marketing budget must be taken care of. The use of an information system for improvement must be considered. Every other factor that will lead to overall improvement and growth of the company's objectives should be considered.

  • Keep what works and discard the rest.

Having identified what works, retain and improve on it while you let go of the rest if it is not relevant. New ways to achieve better results must be sought at all times. There is no need to stick with processes or tactics, which give no result.

It is certain that if all these points are considered a failed marketing model can be recovered. Implement each point one after the other and recovery will be assured.

"Unless you're willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won't happen." - Phillip Adams

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How to Get Past the Fear of Rejection When Closing the Sale

For some people, facing the fear of rejection that is possible on the get-acquainted call can be daunting. You may be so focused on dreading the potential of rejection that conducting the call itself becomes difficult. I understand how this can happen and have a couple of suggestions to help you look at what's happening in a new and more powerful way.

First, this is completely about mindset. It has nothing to do with marketing. At different points in your life you have put yourself out there in a big way and somebody rejected you. It might have stemmed from a romantic rejection, not getting into a sorority, not making the cut for cheerleading or the school play. It's very possible you created a meaning around that about yourself. It could be something like "I'm just not worthy".

Your personal stories about rejection can definitely affect your sales. So it's not surprising to see how your thoughts about being unworthy could undercut your energy and presentation while conducting your calls

The second option is that you may believe that to sell means you have to take something from the person rather than being of service. The origin of the word "selling" or "sell" is to be of service. You are here to provide a solution to somebody, not take from people. If you can understand that and really let it sink in, that you are not here to close the sale but help someone, it totally reframes it and allows you to approach the conversation in a totally different way.

Today, I approach these conversations with this in mind, "How can I help this person make the right decision for him or her?" And that is a lot different than "Okay, I'm going to get on the phone and close the person."

This shift in mindset not only changes your intention for the conversation, but also changes the story around rejection. Because now your goal is helping them make the right decision and so it's no longer about you or getting rejected. In fact, when you reframe sales in this way, you can see how you are actually building a relationship with the person.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Take some time to think about your rejection story. Look at the origin of where you felt rejected and the meaning you created around that episode.

Unraveling this story and understanding it better can help release its hold on you. Knowing what might be holding you back will reduce the fear and free you up to be of service to prospects in the selling process.

Are Newsletters Still Relevant In Today's Marketplace

I was asked a question the other day which really surprised me.

I was asked why I thought it's so important to stay in regular contact with customers.

I was surprised because I mistakenly believed that all business people understand that keeping in touch with customers helps to keep you top of mind and therefore makes you more likely to receive orders when business is being handed out.

From this the conversation moved on to discussing newsletters and whether in these days of digital communications they are still a relevant means of communication.

So let me ask you - when you think of newsletters, what comes to mind?

The historic image of a newsletter is often an excruciatingly dull item where heavy sales messages are interspersed with the news that Doreen from accounts is leaving and Nicki, the boss's secretary is expecting a baby.

If that is still your perception of a company newsletter then I recommend that you get yourself up to date.

Newsletters can be a fantastic way to build relations with your customers and prospects and most definitely do have a place in your small company marketing but they do have to be executed correctly.

So what benefits can newsletters deliver?

  • They enable you to involve and engage your customers with your business
  • You can educate customers on your products and services
  • They allow you to introduce and profile members of your team
  • They give you the opportunity to share testimonials and case studies with your audience
  • You can introduce a bit of fun with competitions and jokes
  • You can update your customers on developments in your company
  • You can give your customers exposure through profiles
  • You can develop the relationships and create strong bonds with your customers

All these things are of course highly desirable but to achieve these objectives you have to produce a publication which people enjoy reading and look forward to receiving.

So how will you achieve this?

The following tips will point you in the right direction.

1. Obviously you want your newsletter to promote your company but the selling shouldn't be overt. As I've already said newsletters should sell by strengthening relations with your customers and prospects and by enhancing their perceptions of your business.

2. Create an interesting and engaging title. The newsletter will need an identity so create one which relates to your industry and its subject matter but which will create interest and involvement.

3. A table of contents is a sensible thing to have on the front page. This shows readers at a glance what the newsletter contains and should encourage them to read it.

4. The lead article is vital. Remember the success of your newsletter is all about connection and involvement. No one will connect with a dry, boring article.

Stories work well. Make it personal. If readers enjoy the first article they will read on.

5. As a rule of thumb probably no more than about 40% of the content should relate directly to your business. The other 60% can be filled up with what you could call semi relevant content. This might include:

· Customer spotlights

· Testimonials

· Welcome to new customers

· Q and A

· Competitions

· Trivia

· Seasonal themes

· Even jokes

Remember you want people to enjoy reading your newsletter so make it enjoyable.

6. The other vital element to include is pictures. Nice big, colourful pictures.

There are few things more off putting than being faced by large screeds of solid text. Break it up with pictures, use plenty of sub heads, make it look interesting.

7. This brings us on to an important issue - the physical appearance of your newsletter. It must be visually attractive which probably means you will need to use a professional designer. This doesn't mean it has to be expensive but the appearance will be vital.

Hard Copy or Digital

In these days of electronic communication is it better to send your newsletter electronically or go the traditional and more expensive route and print it?

The answer is that a printed item will be more effective.

When there is lots of text involved most people prefer to read from a printed item as opposed to reading off a screen.

The best solution is to send out hard copy versions in the post and then follow up with an electronic copy. That way you get two bites at the cherry and everybody will get it in the format they prefer.

This news article is brought to you by BIRDS - where latest news are our top priority.

Colour Makes All the Difference

There are two types of paint. Deciding to use what type of paint should be based on 2 factors - the level of exposure to heat the surface is likely to get, and whether the application of gloss, will affect the intended design for decoration. According to paint companies, rooms that are meant for hard and rough use should be coated with the highest degree of gloss. While painting a living room, or a room of importance, choose the lowest levels of gloss as it will generate a far more calm feeling and gentle finish.

Popular companies generate the look and feel of different colours in their ads. The truth is, each colour in its own right is good. Now as far as application is concerned, you have to choose the one that suits you best. A hi-tech paint is long-lasting and resistant to heat. Paint companies make these paints to be durable, with a ceramic pigment formula. Hence, they are easy to apply and last longer.

Let's compare oil paint and water paint. The former takes longer to dry because of the presence of additives. Oil paint makes the surface look glossy and has a harder finish, but it requires chemicals to clean it up. Paint companies call oil paint 'enamel'. This is because of its hard finish and durable qualities. Enamel paint comes in both glossy and semi-glossy finishes. It is used more often to doors and window frames. However, it can lose its colour over a period of time.

Water paint, on the other hand, does not have the same finish as oil paint. It dries quickly, as a result of evaporation. The ease of drying and cleaning-up makes it a quite popular choice. It depends from person to person what is best suited for the particular application.

Then we have primer, which is used as part of the painting process. It is needed, in addition to paint any wall. Primer is also oil-based and water-based. It is advised by paint companies to use oil-based primer, with alkyd house paint, and water primer with latex paint.

Speciality paints are manufactured using additives. These additives make the fire-proof, anti-condensing, and also make it resistant to mould attack. It is for these reasons that it is a popular choice to paint kitchens. In fact, it is quite clear that it is the suitable for kitchens.

Some colours gives you freshness and also make mood as you entered in the room, so colour shades are also important in our life.

This news article is brought to you by MISERABLE OR HAPPY DIVORCE - where latest news are our top priority.

Fear - A Barrier To Service!

When was the last time you felt fear about something in your business? Have you ever really thought about where/how that might be holding you back? One thing you need to know is that we ALL feel fear about one thing or another but, as Susan Jeffers writes so eloquently......'feel the fear and do it anyway'!

Most often you will read articles about fear and how it gets in the way of your success. My approach is different in that I want you to reframe that - think about fear and where/how it gets in the way of you serving the world! Isn't that why you got into business in the first place - to be of service?

In the work I do with my coaching clients, I hear about fear all the time, ALL THE TIME. This is a huge issue with women entrepreneurs and, while I realize that there are strong feelings about the fear of success - I want you to think about this differently.

When my clients tell me they have to get 'psyched up' to make a 'sales' call, again I recommend they just reframe that whole experience. It really is about being of service - not being 'sales-y'. Listen, no one likes to be SOLD - I don't and you don't. So, just get that whole concept out of your head.

Instead, remember all the reasons why you are in business - keep in mind the solution and the transformation that you provide to people - and know that, for the most part, you are the best kept secret in the world. And that's why you need to get on the telephone to talk to people - that's why you need to get out to networking events - that's why you need to be speaking at public events - that's why you need to write articles with great content - that's why you need to be a guest on a radio or T.V. show. That's how you are going to grow your business and make money, too.

In the midst of all the marketing frenzy, we tend to lose sight of our 'why' and, instead, get caught up in all the ways to grow your business to 6-figures and beyond - we get caught up in the sales tactics and techniques. Of course you need to learn all of that - but until you get past the basic fear of speaking to people about how you can be of service, you're not going to get anywhere near making a sale anyway!


I learned this from my mentor, Lou Tice. Fear brings on hesitation which leads to failure. It's that simple. I want you to think about all the ways you can be of service to people - based on your area of expertise. Seriously. Make a list - right now! (helping them to grow and lead happy lives - or helping them to create beauty in their own backyard - or helping them to strengthen their relationships)

Now, make a list of all your (so-called) fears that are getting in the way of you serving people and helping them get past their pain - just how real are these fears anyway? (The acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.) One of my clients just had a major breakthrough when it came to getting paid what she deserves for a speaking engagement. Her fear of asking for the fee she deserved was getting in the way of her phenomenal teaching when it comes to reducing stress in your life. (Who does NOT have stress in their lives right now?) Now that she has just been contracted at a fabulous speaking fee, her self-confidence has increased, her determination to get her message out in a big way is at an all-time high and, most importantly, people are now going to get the information they need to reduce stress and expand their lives!

Are Your Business Cards Effective?

Most people understand that having business cards to hand out to potential clients is a worthy exercise, but it surprises me how ineffective some business cards can be. It seems that for some people going through the motions of producing their design, they lose sight of the purpose of having them in the first place. Today I will go over some of the reasons why your cards are not being responded to and ways that you can get a better response rate from your next set of business cards.

Remember What Your Business Card is For
When looking over a business card, ask yourself the following question: "How quickly do I realise and understand what kind of business this person is in?" If it takes more than 1 or 2 seconds then the design has failed in its purpose. If you think they simply exists to carry your logo and contact details, you are probably wasting money on them.

The purpose of you business cards is to make the business you represent meaningful to its recipient and generate a future response. When I say "the business you represent", I mean that your position in the business is not unimportant to the purpose of the card, but that is secondary. So make it obvious in your design what business you are in. This can be achieved by using a descriptive slogan, bullet-pointing your products or services or including appropriate images to illustrate what you offer.

Make Your Business Card Memorable
This might sound too obvious to write down, but you'd be surprised how lacklustre a lot of designs are. How you make it memorable depends on the business you are in and what is appropriate to your prospective customers. First of all, make sure you use your logo and place it appropriately on your card design. One way to make your business card memorable is to put a special offer on the back that the card can be redeemed for. Cafe's like to double their business cards as loyalty cards, but this tactic could also be used across many other business types and keeps you in the customer's mind. The back of your business card gives you the opportunity to be innovative and provide useful information for the recipient to encourage them to retain it.

Use Contact Details That People Will Use (and Can Reach You On!)
There are so many innovative methods of communication in this digital age and only so much space on your typical business card. When listing your contact details, be sure to include the point of contact that your customers are likely to use the most. In most cases, this would be a phone number or email address, but if your company does a lot of social media online (particularly LinkedIn), you should include those details as well. If you have a website, definitely include your web address.

Use A Quality Printing Service
A lot of start-up businesses and self-employed people want to keep their over-heads down by making and printing their own. Ironically, printing your own cards in any reasonable volume will most likely not only cost you more in printer consumables, but the end result usually turns out to be inferior to outsourcing the job to a commercial printing company. A commercial printer is better positioned with resources to do the job efficiently on quality card that is appropriate for business cards. It is vitally important that you check the card stock to make sure it is of decent quality and thickness. For best results, it is recommended that your card stock is at least 350gsm. A professional printer can also do larger volumes for you with far better consistency.

This news article is brought to you by GAMING NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, May 28, 2012

How to Write an Advertising or Marketing Proposal

Do you specialize in developing marketing plans for products? Or perhaps you're a graphic design expert who works in the field of advertising. Or maybe you sell ads on radio or television.

Whether you specialize in advertising or in the larger world of marketing in general, you know that the success of your business depends on keeping a steady stream of satisfied clients. Mass mailing brochures or networking at meetings in person can help you identify potential clients, but to land a contract, you will probably need to write targeted proposals for specific projects.

If you're not a writer, the prospect of writing a business proposal can sound a little intimidating. This article will show you that it's not as difficult as you may imagine. First of all, you know your business and what you have to offer, so you know how to talk about your services. Now, all you have to do is put yourself in the potential client's place, and write your information in an easy to follow sequence.

No matter what type of goods or services you are pitching to a potential client, every proposal should use the following four-part structure: an introduction, a client-centered section, a detailed description of what you propose to do, and finally, a section that's all about your expertise and experience. Your proposal may be five pages long or twenty, and the content in the last three sections will vary according to your business and the project you are proposing, but the order of information will remain the same.

Let's look at each of these four parts in a little more detail. The introduction should include a Cover Letter, which briefly explains who you are and why you are submitting the proposal, states what you'd like the reader to do next, and provides all your contact information. At the top of the proposal itself you should create a Title Page, which contains a name for your proposal. Keep that simple and descriptive, using titles like "S&T Design Services Proposal to Maxxwell, Inc. for New Corporate Branding Campaign" or "Proposed Marketing Plan for the RT5 Product Line." For a simple business proposal, that might be all you need in the way of introduction. But if your proposal is more complex, you may want to include also an Executive Summary of your most important points and a Table of Contents to help readers find the sections they want.

The client-centered section often makes the difference between a successful proposal and one that ends up in the slush pile. In this section, your goal is to prove that you understand what your potential client needs and wants. You also want to discuss any concerns you're aware of. For example, a client might be worried about a specific competitor, connecting with their target market, repeating past mistakes, spending too much money, or not meeting important deadlines. Discuss all of that here. If you need to call the potential client and ask questions about the organization or the proposed project, do it. Doing a little research to show you listen to your client can pay off in a big way.

Even for a short straightforward project, you'll want a Needs page or Requirements page here to list the specifics for the project. For a more involved project, you may need separate topic pages for Specifications, Schedule, Budget, Deadlines, and other areas you want to describe in detail. It's not time yet to talk about what you can do for your client; this section is all about the client and proving you have listened to their needs.

After you have finished describing the needs and concerns of your client, move on to the next section, the description of your goods and services. Here, you will describe exactly what you propose to do for the project, how your ideas will meet the needs laid out in the previous section, how this will benefit the client, and what it will cost.

For a simple proposal, you might need only a Solutions or Services Provided page and a Price List or Cost Summary. For a longer proposal, you may want to include topics like Options, Packages, Schedule, Market Study, Venues, Subcontractors, Teamwork, Market and Audience, Sales Plan, Marketing Plan, Promotion, Advertising, Demographics, Publicity, Packaging, Brand Development, and so forth - it all depends on the project. Your objective in this section is to describe in detail what you plan to do and explain how your ideas will provide the solution to the client's needs. Be as specific as possible.

Last but never least is the all-about-you section. This is where you need to include all the information you have that will persuade the potential client that you are the best pick to accomplish their project. You'll want to include topic pages like About Us or Company History, perhaps a page named Staff, Personnel, or Teams, pages that describe relevant Experience or list Clients you've done similar work for, and lists of successful Projects you've accomplished. If you have Awards, special Certifications or Training, or Testimonials from satisfied clients, you'll want to include those, too.

There you have it--at this point, you have created the first draft of your proposal. Now take the time to perfect it. Use a good proofreader or editor to make sure all pages are error-free, and format the pages well so they are visually appealing, too. You might want to add design elements such as special fonts or bullet points, or add color or your own corporate logo.

Then print your proposal or bundle it into a PDF file, and deliver it to your client by whatever method is likely to make the best impression (email, upload to your web site, print and deliver, etc.).

Did you know that you can use pre-designed templates to help you write business proposals quickly and efficiently? Using a proposal kit is one way to get started right away--it has topic templates (hundreds, including those listed above), sample proposals (dozens), basic contracts, and of course, instructions for use. Each template page in a kit includes suggestions and examples, so you'll never sit staring at a blank page, wondering what to put on it. The sample proposals in a kit will show you what a wide variety of finished business proposals might look like. You can also find kits in a variety of graphic designs to give your proposal a professional look, or you can adapt all the pages to your own designs and logo.

This news article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIPS ADVICE 201 - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, May 25, 2012

How To Determine Marketing Effectiveness

Periodically, you should evaluate how you market your business and decide if you need to make any changes. Here is a list of questions to ask about your efforts and help you decide if your marketing is effective.

Social Media

Is your social media increasing your online reach? Have you added fans to your business Facebook page this year? Have you kept posting regularly? Are your customers and fans responding to your posts and engaging in conversation with you? Do they share the information you post because it is interesting, entertaining or informative? Social media works better when it is a regular activity and creates conversation. Don't use it to sell yourself; use it to create relationships with customers.

Online Advertising

Are your online advertising dollars creating a Return on Investment (ROI)? If you have Pay Per Click, or PPC, advertising, are the clicks resulting in sales? Do you track that? A non-performing PPC campaign can be due to ineffective ad copy, inadequate funding of the campaign, or a poor or missing landing page. Do you know which one of these needs to be improved? PPC is one of the easiest advertising tools to track and using Google Analytics and AdWords to do that is free. If you are buying from local media outlets, make sure they are giving you weekly reports on your clicks and the CTR - click-through rate.

Traditional Media

Do you use traditional advertising? How do you measure the effectiveness of print ads, radio, TV, billboards, etc.? They are measurable but having the sales person tell you how many people might have seen your ad is not the same as people coming in the door and the phone ringing. Make sure you are taking steps when creating your ads to allow for tracking. Use a separate phone number just for print ads, or add a promotional code on a radio commercial. Combine your traditional marketing with your online marketing to increase your marketing effectiveness.

Identifying Your Target Market

Do you really know your target market? Who are your customers and what do they want? Great marketing means that you are providing your customers what they want or need, right when they want it. So it is important to know up front who your customers are and what they want and you may need to do a little research for that. Make sure you are talking to the right people because spending money to advertise to customers who have no interest in buying your product or service is a waste.

Ad Spending

Are you spending enough or too much on your advertising? A lot of businesses can't really answer that question because they did not set up trackable goals before they started to spend. Remember, there is no magic formula for how to spend your money or how much to spend. The most important thing for any business owner to know is how much it costs to acquire a new customer, and how much a new customer is worth to the business. Obviously, you want the cost to be less than the value to the business in most cases (loss leaders not included). A solid marketing plan will help you create measurable goals so you will know for sure if your marketing is effective.

Marketing Expertise

Lastly, are you trying to do your own marketing but don't really know how? Marketing is an art and a science and for most business owners, it is not their area of expertise. Outsourcing your marketing to a marketing consultant or advertising agency can give you the expertise you need without having to hire additional staff. Plus, you get the added benefit of spending more time doing what you know how to do, taking care of your customers and delivering high quality customer service.

This news article is brought to you by CATS - where latest news are our top priority.

Why You Should Use Testimonials in Your Business

We are all born with a natural sense of skepticism; some more than others! Natural skepticism cannot help but come to the surface when it is time to purchase products and part with our hard-earned money. Using testimonials within your direct selling business will help your buyer overcome skepticism about you and your products.

A good amount of testimonials about one of your products will gently loosen the organic sense of skepticism your customer is feeling and thinking. Many testimonials about one particular product will easily turn your customer's skepticism into excitement and desire. They start to think: If it works for all these different people, it will work for me as well.

When you talk about the products you are selling, it sounds like a sales pitch, no matter what, because you are the sales person. The typical customer will start to feel anxious and stressed. They think you are just saying sales words to get them to buy and give you money. Even if you honestly believe in your products, your new buyer will still feel small amounts of skepticism, anxiety and stress.

When your customer hears or reads how wonderful your products are through a person who is a consumer they are more likely to believe that person more than you, the seller. The consumer has no gain through the situation. Testimonials from consumers who are already using and enjoying your products will create trust within the potential client.

To gain trust within your customers and clients you must:

1) Be an honest, professional business person

2) Provide excellent customer service

3) Deliver their purchases in a timely manner

4) Have immense product knowledge

If you provide all of the above plus testimonials about your products, your business will soar to great heights.

Testimonials will also help to create a sense of community. When you share your testimonials with your customer base it shows them that they share similar interests with others in your customer base.

When someone feels they are part of a community they feel good. Society has taught us all that we want to feel part of a community. Social media sites have proven this time and time again. People naturally want to be part of a community and not just one community like in the old days of neighborhoods. Thanks to the internet, they can join many online "communities" and "e-neighborhoods". Your customer base will become a community in a sense and they will feel good because of it.

Overall, using testimonials in your business will be an asset to you.

Your Business and Becoming a Celebrity To Your Customers

Today, thought we could take a trip to Hollywood. You may watch a lot of television or even know someone caught up in the "reality train" going on.

Whether you like them or not, there are definitely some lessons to learn from this fad and notice how some people become famous for basically...nothing.

Let's avoid all the shiny stars right now and grab some profitable nuggets from all the excitement.

It seems like people can't get enough of "reality TV". We all have a life and we all have our reality. Why in the world do people get caught up in all the Hollywood glitz and drama? One reason...

An Escape!

We're all busy, we all have issues, we all want to simply take a break and experience something different. We want to get away from our busy lives and just relax. The funny thing is and how this relates to your business is...

Sometimes your customers could use a break from the "norm" as well. Sometimes they want the "celebrity or VIP" experience.

A lot of them want a true buying experience that's exciting. Not the same old thing that others provide them.

That means that as soon as they enter your store, or your website, or wherever you do business, you should be providing the ultimate-unique experience.

I bet you could think of something right now that you could do to give your customers more of that "Hollywood Experience". Got It?

Here's a couple to get your mind going just in case...

One way is a VIP package or service. A star studded service or package that makes them feel like a celebrity. Another way...

How you engage the customer. Treat every client like a celebrity. If you have staff, then they should be polite and treat that customer like it's the only one.

Rewards programs are another way. Even themed promotions and events can throw a little "Hollywood" into the mix.

Those are a few and the list definitely go's on.

The point is...What else could you do to make your customers feel special and look at you as the only one who gives that "Hollywood" experience to them?

I bet, if you sit down right now, think of a few more ideas and put them into action, you could easily be seeing lines of people at your next big premier or offer.

This news article is brought to you by TECHNOLOGY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

New Dental Patint Referrals - One Super Key to Get More Referrals and How to Do It (One Step Simple)

Sometimes we overlook the simple solution and make things more complicated than they really are. Many dentists think of referrals as a complicated process, but it definitely doesn't have to be.

Here is one sure key for getting more referrals for your dental practice:


I'll bet you weren't expecting to see that.

Testimonials are a way for you to build your own visibility. When you provide testimonials for people, you are building your reputation as a giver. You are rewarding people who you believe deserve a testimonial, and you are increasing your own credibility.

How many times has someone given you a compliment? That makes you smile, right? (And of course dentists love to see people smile).

Doesn't that make you want to reciprocate?

The same concept applies with testimonials. When you provide testimonials for people, whether you do it simply because you've had a conversation with a patient and you know they have a great business, maybe you're a client of theirs and you want to do something nice for them. Giving them a testimonial, whether it be on their website, one of their social media profiles, a letter, an email; you are going to help increase your own visibility and the person for whom you are giving the testimonial.

The people you connect with at local business events would love to have testimonials from other business owners.

Once you start providing testimonials for others you will see many more opportunities.

How do you do it?

You can give a testimonial in an email, online, a comment on a blog post for someone, but how do you actually give that testimonial?

4 tips for giving a testimonial

1. Make it interesting, you want people to read it and finish reading it. Where possible tell a short story.

2. Be brief and simple, when people see large blocks of text they usually roll their eyes back and keep moving.

3. Write about something positive. You want to reflect well on both the person and business you are writing about and yourself.

4. Be sure to sign the testimonial with your name, company name and website address. What does all this give you in return? People will want to reciprocate; whether that be through testimonials they provide to you or in referrals, both are great for your dental practice. It is always good for the practice when other people are talking about how good you are.

Promotional Merchandise for Environmental Causes

With the growing concern about the environment in countries across the globe, many companies are supporting various causes about saving energy, ecology, and others. If your company is one of them, it would be ideal to look for environmentally friendly promotional merchandise for corporate gifts, events, and other marketing purposes.

Note pads and sticky notes are popular and effective branding items. They're always appreciated and used by the people who received them. You can now find them in recycled and recyclable materials. There are note pads that are completely made from recycled materials - from the sheets of paper to the cardboard backing. Some even have reused cardboard pen loops. Notebooks with biodegradable plastic covers are also great eco-friendly corporate gifts. You can even opt for a whole stationery set of a note book, a note pad, and sticky notes. Some even come with pencils also made of recyclable materials.

Other office supplies like rulers, pen cases, and calculators made of biodegradable plastics are also made today and can be designed for your promotional merchandise. You can find the calculators usually running on dual power, i. e., button batteries and solar power. These recyclable office supplies are perfect giveaways especially if your company is into campaigns about going green or is targeting office workers or students.

Travel mugs are also favorite corporate gifts for many. And the good news is that they now also have versions made of recyclable materials. You should select something that's 100 percent recycled food-grade polypropylene. You can even find one that's BPA-free. The best size to order is a 16-ounce or 473-ml mug, which is the most conventional. These items would be great for travel and coffee companies that are also advocating environmental causes.

One unique gift that you can give away in events or as gifts to clients is a digital shower timer. You can simply have your logo printed on the face of the gadget and its case. This is an ideal item coming from a company that supports conservation of water and power. You'll find available shower timers in various designs and with various features. The simplest one may just be battery-powered and would have a suction cup so you can stick on the wall of your shower cubicle. Using a timer will help you be conscious of the time you're spending in the shower and eventually help you save water. More complicated products of this type would include functions like a thermometer and water level alert, so you can also use the gadget in the bath.

Eco-friendly items are definitely an excellent way to blend your marketing targets with your social responsibility goals. With the increasing types of recyclable materials used these days, you'll surely find items that will suit your target markets best.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Top 3 Sponsorships for Your Business

Did you know there is great value in having your business be a sponsor? In Marketing For Business I covered one way to use your business cards outside of what you may have normally practiced. In this edition of Marketing For Business I'll cover another form of marketing that could have a huge impact on your business.

Through sponsorship you have a number of ways you can go to maximize the effectiveness of getting your business name out there, but here are the top 3 ways I've found to be highly effective. When done correctly on top of your other marketing methods it can lead to an explosion in your business. So, sit back and prepare yourself to use these methods and for your business to explode.

1. Little league Sports - If you have kids that play sports you can be a sponsor for them. Maybe you get your business name on their jerseys or in their game program. Here's the best part, as they go through their season playing each team all the other adults will get to see your business name on their jersey or in the game program.

2. Non Profit/Charitable Groups - Find an active non-profit or charitable group in your city to support. Sponsor some of their events and their cause. Believe it or not, people pay close attention to groups who are listed as sponsors and in many cases the people who follow, support or participate in these groups look to support the businesses or people who sponsor them.

3. Cash Mob - Sponsor a cash mob for a local business that feeds off of what you do like a lawn service, a plumber, a handy man, a painter and so on. These could be the individuals who conduct the work on your properties or others you wanted to do business with but haven't because you're please with who you're using. In turn these businesses will refer business your way and at the same time others in business will look to work with you. The best part is you could get business from both sides; clients and contractors.

So put your sponsorship plan into action and reap the rewards of your action and when you get a chance come back and let me know what method has worked best for you. If you have other methods you employ when being a sponsor please share them in the comments section below.

This news article is brought to you by GLOBAL WEATHER NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Inbound B2B Leads - Outsourced Or Not, Always Use The Best Tools!

Costs have always been a primary or at least significant reason as to why certain business processes function at a less that satisfying performance. However, saying you can't afford it doesn't mean you should automatically give up on using the best.

But first, here's an example as to how cutting costs can put a strain on performance.

Today business technology companies are beginning to offer their ERP software solution on the cloud. SaaS is the new trend among vendors. With this new development, businesses are promised access to their company management system from virtually anywhere be it home, the office, or even on the go.

Unfortunately, every innovation is never met without opposition. And for opponents of new cloud technologies, executives are complaining that shifting software in that direction fear of putting the safety of their data with it. If something goes wrong with the vendor, everyone else suffers. If there are changes or updates made without prior notice, it might spell bad surprises for the end-user and negative feedback for the providers. This in turn will really hamper your efforts to make inbound leads out of current clients. Simply put, they won't want to keep doing business with you if you continue to snub them like this.

Perhaps the worst thing that's been done though is having an indifferent response to all these dangerous possibilities and a lack of drive to reassure the client. So how does cutting cost fit in all this?

Well for one, what's the most typical thing people do nowadays when they're having software trouble. They file a ticket or send an email to the company. Guess what? That ticket or email will probably be just one of the many that will be filling the company's inbox. A company that cuts costs is not very likely to do anything that will at least improve that experience.

At this point, it's time to review on what it would take to do just that:

  • Flexibility - You need to be available in any way possible. Don't just leave them the option of filing a ticket. Give them alternatives (especially when these are people are more skilled with speaking out their problems instead of writing it down).
  • Data management - Data always helps. Try to find out if there's anything in common among the people who have been contacting you. One thing that happens a lot in any online service is that even if you insist on a ticket system, you should at least try and see if there's a sudden rise in a particular complaint.
  • Stay informative - Once you've engaged enough and gotten the necessary data, try to at least assure everyone (be it a public announcement on your website or even a wide call campaign to all current clients) to keep them in the loop of what's happening with the system.

As expected, the costs of just data management and communication alone would really eat a whole out of the company pocket. There's equipment to purchase, set up and install along with personnel to recruit, train, and pay. The thing is though, you can always just outsource the best if you can't afford it for yourself. A strained relationship with your clients is not worth the hesitation!

This news article is brought to you by ACCOUNTING - where latest news are our top priority.

Greeting Cards Are A Great Way To Promote Your Insurance Business

Insurance agencies are important little organizations which exist in every town and hamlet in every state. They are important because what they do is tied up in the life of the people: their health, their financial security, and their long term lifestyles.

Insurance agencies which take the needs and interests of their customers personally and seriously have a tendency to thrive, and those that don't, don't. They need to look at people in terms of their entire beings over the entire lives, and that means taking into account people's ages, backgrounds, employment history, property ownership, family relationships, and so forth.

Staying in touch with people is critical. We believe that a greeting card program is the ideal way to maintain a stream of communication going toward the customer base on a continuous basis.

As an insurance agent, you are going to know vital statistics about your clients: dates of birth, health issues, number of children, and so forth. A greeting card program allows you to send cards to your clientele and their family members at appropriate times of the year, informing them of changes they need to consider to their policies.

One of the best things you can do with a greeting card program is to personalize it, and there are more ways to do that than ever before. In fact, the personalized URL would work better than almost anything else. Let's say that you want to send a birthday greeting card to each customer. When they open the card, they will be directed to a personalized URL. They copy this into their browser, and this takes them to a page which is designed just for them. The PURL will have key information about their health and their finances. It will show their various policies and coverages, and it works as something like a review. You can then show them areas where they are deficient and where new coverages are needed, or where family members need additional service.

You should also have a program to send cards to people who move into town, when you read about marriages and babies being born and when someone gets a promotion. This small gesture is a great way to attract new business. It may require having an employee be assigned to read newspapers and keep up with developments such as these, but it's a good way to introduce yourself to the community and to make inroads wherever possible into new markets.

This news article is brought to you by HAPPINESS - where latest news are our top priority.

Should You Apply A Price Increase?

Pricing your product is one of the most difficult aspects of any business. The point is probably obvious to any corporate, small business holder, or self-employed individual. One point of concern is that there are some marketers out there suggesting revenue difficulties can simply be resolved by raising the price. This may look like a nice solution but is it realistic. Price increases affect demand. So are you in a position to just add a few percent to your price without any impact. Especially when markets, corporate buyers and consumers are always displaying signs of price sensitivity, even in the good times.

If you get pricing wrong then you can have some spectacular volume changes.

I can draw from personal experience of working for in a franchised pizza market. As the Franchisor we saw a 9% increase in price result in an immediate 20% decline in weekly revenues, as customers reacted and volumes fell.

So when can you increase your prices?

As a reminder here are the 2 key economic criteria which drive price increases.

- demand increases for your product

- supply of available stock/resource decreases, (referred to as scarcity).

If you are a business operating where these conditions apply then you can increase your price. If not then here are more common factors for when and if.

Individual expertise

People whose time is precious and are experts in their field.They are usually the highest individual daily earners. And they can come from any field of expertise. The range goes from surgeons, through lawyers to tax accountants and hair stylists.

High value products

Precious commodities and craftsmanship. Diamonds and gold are precious in themselves. Often in limited supply their value increases through scarcity. When you add the value of skilled craftsmen to these scarce resources the end product can be priceless. Typically the price you can charge increases for these products. But be aware that the market can be affected by the volume of used items on offer.

Smart advertising

Aggressive and subtle promotion can create a perception that price equals value. The old advertising trick for perfume was always: the higher the price the better the quality. And more subtly,launching an expensive perfume was the best way to have it noticed and drive sales. Pity the poor husbands who are expected to pay for it. The idea of "Because I'm worth it" was already planted in consumer minds long before L'Oreal used it as their tag line in advertising campaigns of the 1990's.

Production costs rising

Trend of costs for material and labor will rise. In some markets the whole industry is affected by continuous price fluctuations. Energy is the most obvious of these and companies which supply the market apply price increases regularly. As customers we don't like it but the choices are limited

To look at the other side of the coin: when a business should not increase its prices. Clearly going against the trend without having any clear added value is potential suicide. As indicated from the example which opened this piece.

What holds true absolutely, is that any business type working in a commodity market cannot raise prices without some affect on its demand. In this context a commodity product is one that is readily available and so demand is highly sensitive to price changes. Even more, it can be said that price is the only factor which drives sales. Sometimes a particular market is so sensitive that even a very small price change can be enough to cause a business a significant loss of volume.

For businesses working in the food industry, the price of produce is rising. This affects caterers, bakers, and retailers who may have to raise their prices, albeit unwillingly. So here a price increase is a requisite to survival. But customers and consumers are reacting because price increases are unacceptable. So demand has fallen in these sectors. And one can look at retail in general where worldwide trends are down, as the cost of raw materials increases.

So the key questions for businesses become:

- Where do we stand?

- Can we raise prices?

- Will we suffer?

- If our competitors are increasing their price, should we?

The answer to any business is that where you have to take a close look at your own economic and financial data, knowledge, and experience. This will indicate how price and demand fluctuations have trended in previous years. When you raised a price previously was there a change in volume.

Ultimately, you may just be in a position where the only relief obtainable to a current situation has to be a price increase. Cost pressures are such that even if you edge ahead of the competition it just has to happen. Loyal customers may stay with you. Others, who only came for the price will leave. Attracting new business may be a problem. But that's called a business decision.

What is critical, and often overlooked, is how effective your marketing has been in the past and the current results being obtained. Irrespective of the size of business key marketing data is being delivered constantly. This ranges from simple statistics such as people visiting your store, website, or making inquiries. Recording the number of sales made or conversions. And knowing, precisely, product quantities sold and the prices they sold at. Add to that all the opportunities to test the market and engage with customers, then there is very little you won't know. The question is: are you capturing this data?

How to Find the Right Venue for Your Business Event


You need to research the venues that are already on offer in your area and create a list of all of their positives/negatives based on the sub-headings below. The best way to do this is simply enter your location followed by conference venues and visit each relevant site listed on the search page. Once you have your list of venues with their pros and cons you can work through the rest of this article and find out the best place for you.


Choosing the right location is pivotal in ensuring high attendance. Think about where your attendees will be travelling from and what method of transport they will use. As an example if the majority of delegates live in the North of the country and you hold your event in the South then you have some serious logistical and costly problems on your hands. Consider whether you have a budget to refund travel expenses or if travel costs will be paid by the attendee.


This is an important step in ensuring your venue will accommodate the number of people attending. Many of us have seen it before, walking into a massive conference hall to only find 2 rows have been filled and the rest a ghost town. On the opposite end of the scale you wouldn't want to overflow into other rooms when your main speaker cannot be in 4 places at once! The seating capacity, car park spaces and even the size of restrooms all need to be taken into account. Consider the possibility of your attendance being greater or lower than expected and plan appropriately.


The facilities of a building cover a wide range of areas and can really endanger your event if not thought out properly. It's not only the essential facilities you need to think about such as disabled access and multimedia equipment. You need to include things like flip charts, pens, internet access, accommodation and refreshments. It's always best to brain-storm every eventuality you may encounter on the day so you don't get caught out.


The deciding factor for many businesses. You may have found the perfect venue for your business by now with all the bells and whistles you'd expect and more. Unfortunately, in the world we live we cannot always go for the best of the best but this doesn't mean you have to go for the worst. Balancing between facilities, size and location you could find the ideal place that meets all of your basic needs and comes in budget. Plan for any additional charges which may be incurred such as catering, changing booking times and even petty cash for a taxi if you are moving between sites. It is essential you keep a track of all costs both on the day and on the run up to the event. Ask to be quoted well in advance and plan all of the extras around the base cost. Finally, with any event you put on always keep a percentage contingency for any of those unforeseen problems. Make sure you evaluate your attendees thoughts on the venue to help you plan future events. Found this useful? Comment with your best/worst experiences of business events.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How Marketing to Your Market Is Like Inviting People Over for Dinner

Have you noticed your friends and families palettes are getting pickier?

When I was a child it wasn't uncommon to have neighbors, friends, people from church, couples from my dad's workplace and extended family over to share a meal. As a youngster and as I got older, part of my duties included helping Mom out in the kitchen with the food preparation.

There was a variety of dishes and entrees my Mom prepared. She was, and is, a good cook. But I don't remember my mom asking ahead about food preferences and allergies.

In my world, that is completely different. I have many friends who are different degrees of vegetarian, lactose intolerant, low-fat, salt free, and gluten intolerant. Inviting people over for dinner doesn't just involve shopping and preparing a meal - I take into consideration who is coming and deciding on a menu that will be appropriate for their diets. Recently I invited a neighbor over for dinner. I asked about any allergies or food restraints. Not only is he a vegetarian, but he eats no dairy and no wheat products. "But I enjoy sustainable fish," he told me.

For some of you, this may be over the top. I can hear you thinking out loud, "When in Rome, eat what the Romans eat!" Others of you are thinking - "This is why we go to restaurants when we get together with friends!"

My question to you is this: Do you treat your clients and customers like this? You serve a specific market with a specific demographic of people who have very customized wants and needs. Do you know those wants and needs? Do you care?

You should. You really, really should. Because if you do not bother to learn about the nuances, interests and yes, even idiosyncrasies of your prospective clients and customers, you will lose a lot of business and networking opportunities.

Think of the Benefits

Yes, it can be a pain to cook to specific diets, especially when they are far removed from my own. But it's not about me. I have invited others over to serve them, to give them a break from cooking and for them to relax and have a wonderful meal in my home.

When I go to the effort to make a meal customized to fit their dietary desires, how do you think they feel? If the meal turns out well, my visitors sense that I truly care - which I do. In a crazy, busy world where some people are too absorbed in the frustrations and challenges of life to pay attention to those around them, those who eat with me feel I have prepared a special meal for them.

And the same is true for your customers. Are you seeking to write ads for a company who markets to baby boomers nearing retirement? Perhaps you have a marketing idea to improve traffic to a children's clothing store website- how can you show the marketers and owners of the company that you are right for the job?

Be the one who does the homework on the audience. Know what the target buyers love and hate, what conveniences are important to them, what social media networks they use. You may be in love with Twitter but if your target audience spends 80% of their online time on Pinterest, you need to get savvy fast!

Go where the people you serve go and see delve into their hopes, dreams, and needs. When you begin to connect with them at the heart level, the return will be twofold. First, your insight will help you develop products and services perfectly fit for your customers. Second, people will want what you have to offer because it fits them- it is the delicious entree they have been looking and longing for!