Thursday, July 12, 2012

7 Top Reasons Why You Should Become an Affiliate Marketer

1. Affiliate Marketing can work for anyone.

No matter your age, where you live or your background, you can become an affiliate. You simply need internet access and basic computer skills. You don't need to be a web development guru or an expert writer.

Most affiliates start on a level playing field, and learn by taking action. Many merchants who rely on affiliates for their marketing will provide advertising banners, emails and even articles you can use in your campaigns.

2. You have a wide choice of programs and products.

There are literally thousands of markets and people you can promote to. Each one has needs and wants, problems and desires. You just need to select one that appeals to you, and go to work.

Your biggest problem may be that there's too much choice, and you'll have trouble making a decision what to market. This doesn't mean you should just choose one product.

3. You're not tied to any one particular product.

Once you've selected a particular market - let's say weight loss, for example - you don't need to stick to just one product to promote.

Unlike most MLM business opportunities, you are able to choose a variety of products and services in your chosen niche. Within the weight loss niche, you could promote diet books, exercise programs, nutritionals and exercise equipment.

The key is to try several, and see which ones perform best for you.

4. It costs very little to get started.

You can get started with absolutely no investment, but that's likely not the best way to go. Every real business requires some initial monetary investment.

Start by investing in a domain name and web hosting. Domain names run about $10, and you can get web hosting for $10 per month. Set up a blog. This will be your sales and marketing hub, where you'll write articles, reviews and even videos.

Actually joining affiliate programs is free, and there are many ways to promote products for free.

5. All the 'grunt work' is done for you.

The merchant you are affiliated with handles all the delivery, payment processing and customer service for you. All your time is invested in the marketing and promotion aspect of your business.

6. You can set up several hubs.

There's no need to focus on just one topic or market. Once you have one up and running, and making you money, choose a second topic to focus on. All successful affiliate marketers promote a variety of products, to an array of markets. Not all will be equally successful, so setting up multiple hubs and marketing sites is just good business.

7. There is little or no risk involved.

By marketing someone else's products, you never need to spend time and money doing the thorough market research that's necessary in creating a product. That time consuming, expensive and risky job is done for you.

Where you will spend money is when you want to save time - placing paid advertising in addition to free, and outsourcing tasks that you don't like or feel you can't do well.

Affiliate marketing is a huge business, both online and off-line. It is here to stay, and there's a lot of money to be made. More and more people are turning to the internet to research products and buy, so why not take advantage of this growing trend and global marketplace?

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