Friday, July 13, 2012

Maximize Success With Your Trade Show Stands Without Getting Stuck In A Rut

Veteran participants of the marketing convention circuit understand firsthand the many distinctive features and benefits yielded when working trade show stands. With more experience and practice comes a certain level of confidence and presentational ease for companies of any size and scope. After the first few years, savvy entrepreneurs often find they've gotten their display for a trade show down to almost an exact science. And that's a good thing, right?

Are You Putting The R-U-T in your Trade Show Stand's Routine?

Well, yes and no. There is certainly something to be said for being familiar with the successful exhibition of trade show stands. However, some businesses often find that their display for a trade show has started to feel less like an engaging and well-oiled routine and more like a rut. Like any marketing resource, in order to maximize efforts and guarantee the best return on investment, it's always important to keep things looking and feeling fresh. If you feel like your trade show stands and presentations could use a little renewed vigor, read on. Understanding a few simple tricks can help you go from a rut to rejuvenated energy quickly!

Key Methods To Revive Your Display For A Trade Show

One of the easiest ways to breathe some new life into your business' performance at industry events is to focus on the booths and stands themselves. All too often, companies rely on the same displays and graphics year after year. Fortunately, tweaking stands and booths can be a simple and inexpensive task. Partner with a reliable design firm to revamp the esthetics of your booth and watch how quickly the energy of your team changes as well. Don't think you have the budget for an exhibit enhancement? That's okay - a reputable firm will also be able to create some customized banner stands that can quickly change the look and feel of your overall displays.

Beyond the booth itself, it's important to consider other ways to modify your marketing convention routine. Part of your current rut may hinge on attending the same events each and every year. Check out the list of events that your business always participates in and carefully determine the type of return on investment you're actually getting from each. Yes, you'll want to stay with the ones that yield the most impressive returns, but don't fear scratching off a few that just aren't cutting it. Instead of spinning wheels needlessly just because it's what you've always done, use your free time as an opportunity to check out new functions.

Finally, always use your staff's brainstorming capabilities to help keep things new and fresh beyond the trade show stands. Rather than simply going through the motions at each function, hold a meeting beforehand to strategize participation. Things like staying at a new hotel, setting up the display in a new location, offering a different promotional handout, etc. can all be ideas worth considering to ensure that your business keeps things from getting stale at any function.

This news article is brought to you by CREATIVITY - where latest news are our top priority.

Promotional Models For Field Marketing

For any business owner, promoting his or her brand is the main deal and very important too. They have to find out various ways of promotion of all their products. It is a way of making potential consumers aware of their brand. Till the time consumers will not be aware of your company, they will obviously not come towards you. Hence, promotion is the tool to make your company stand out amongst all other companies and also to create awareness amongst the probable buyers. It can be done in innumerable ways. One can use the print media, television advertisements, radio, personal media and many more.

These days a new trend has come up in this field. This trend is the promotion of products by holding small events in malls and such similar places. For example, the company will hold a five day event in a mall and in those five days it will do heavy promotions of the brand. It will hire a few actors or models who would be interested in helping out. So in this manner the purpose of field marketing will be fulfilled. Field marketing is basically the concept of giving samples and showcasing products on the field. This procedure requires manpower, resources and a bit limelight. In the manpower, the company can hire models that would willingly do their work of promotion. These models will be called as the promotional models. There are a few event management companies who handle everything related to such events. Such companies help the promoting company with hiring promotional models. One can simply look over the internet about any such event company in order to list out their event activities. These kinds of organizations are a great help as they will do everything that you ask them to.

The end result produced by an event organization will be extremely satisfying. One can simply fix a meeting and chalk out all the activities of the event that have to be done. Preparing a list of activities is extremely important as it allows the other party to carefully follow your needs. The fee should be discussed beforehand so that later there are no problems. Also, it is important to prepare a budget first. This will help you immensely at the time of preparing a list of all the activities to be done. It will also give you an assumption of how much you will spend and how mush money you will save. Hence, if you too are a business owner and wish to hold an event like this, then do not hesitate in contacting an event management company today.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

7 Top Reasons Why You Should Become an Affiliate Marketer

1. Affiliate Marketing can work for anyone.

No matter your age, where you live or your background, you can become an affiliate. You simply need internet access and basic computer skills. You don't need to be a web development guru or an expert writer.

Most affiliates start on a level playing field, and learn by taking action. Many merchants who rely on affiliates for their marketing will provide advertising banners, emails and even articles you can use in your campaigns.

2. You have a wide choice of programs and products.

There are literally thousands of markets and people you can promote to. Each one has needs and wants, problems and desires. You just need to select one that appeals to you, and go to work.

Your biggest problem may be that there's too much choice, and you'll have trouble making a decision what to market. This doesn't mean you should just choose one product.

3. You're not tied to any one particular product.

Once you've selected a particular market - let's say weight loss, for example - you don't need to stick to just one product to promote.

Unlike most MLM business opportunities, you are able to choose a variety of products and services in your chosen niche. Within the weight loss niche, you could promote diet books, exercise programs, nutritionals and exercise equipment.

The key is to try several, and see which ones perform best for you.

4. It costs very little to get started.

You can get started with absolutely no investment, but that's likely not the best way to go. Every real business requires some initial monetary investment.

Start by investing in a domain name and web hosting. Domain names run about $10, and you can get web hosting for $10 per month. Set up a blog. This will be your sales and marketing hub, where you'll write articles, reviews and even videos.

Actually joining affiliate programs is free, and there are many ways to promote products for free.

5. All the 'grunt work' is done for you.

The merchant you are affiliated with handles all the delivery, payment processing and customer service for you. All your time is invested in the marketing and promotion aspect of your business.

6. You can set up several hubs.

There's no need to focus on just one topic or market. Once you have one up and running, and making you money, choose a second topic to focus on. All successful affiliate marketers promote a variety of products, to an array of markets. Not all will be equally successful, so setting up multiple hubs and marketing sites is just good business.

7. There is little or no risk involved.

By marketing someone else's products, you never need to spend time and money doing the thorough market research that's necessary in creating a product. That time consuming, expensive and risky job is done for you.

Where you will spend money is when you want to save time - placing paid advertising in addition to free, and outsourcing tasks that you don't like or feel you can't do well.

Affiliate marketing is a huge business, both online and off-line. It is here to stay, and there's a lot of money to be made. More and more people are turning to the internet to research products and buy, so why not take advantage of this growing trend and global marketplace?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Get High Returns On Your Investments Using Marketing Video

With commercial market filled with all kinds of products, every customer today, before purchasing a product, wants to know whether it would benefit him or not. He also wants to know whether he can trust the company of which product he is purchasing. Businesses also at the same time look forward to satisfy their customers on these points. Marketing videos are proving to be a boon for businesses in this regard. Technology has today made marketing videos turn from a boring, non interactive audio video presentation to hi-tech, interactive presentations. Neither are they same as they used to be a couple of years ago nor are they viewed in the same fashion or with the same age-old mentality.

A study by 'Eye View Digital', an online website, shows that using video on landing pages can increase conversion by 80%. This shows that marketing videos, in one or the other form, have today caught everyone's attention. And this is happening for all the good reasons. First and foremost, they are no longer there just to push a product on people; instead they are doing more than advertising a product. In other words, they are giving a wholesome experience to their viewers, not letting them feel the burden of getting informed through a commercial.

Businesses are exploiting the power of marketing videos to the best of their commercial advantage. Let's see some of the advantages associated with a marketing video:

1. They are easier to create.

2. They are accessible to one and all.

3. A marketing video of one or two minutes duration can convey the message of a full-fledged website.

4. They can be played both on and off-line.

5. They can be watched for fun as well.

6. By uploading them on networking sites such as Vimeo and YouTube etc., they can be made to go viral.

7. They can launch a product as soon as they are manufactured, thus saving enormous business hours of a company.

8. They simplify the movement of ideas.

9. They are quick to grab everyone's attention.

10. They can also give a demonstration of a product by showing its view from all the angles, plus an aerial view of a product can also be shown. For example, if a property is to be sold, showing its aerial view can really convince a costumer in going for it.

11. They target a specific set of audience.

12. They can animate a thing to the minutest detail, like a strand of hair can be shown with the number of split ends it has.

13. Being in the form of a story, they never make viewers hit the 'stop' button while they are watching them. Plus, according to 'Com Score', site visitors who view video stay two minutes longer on average on a website. This can further assist businesses in getting their messages stay longer in viewers mind.

Marketing videos have today made inroads in all the commercial sectors, be it education, entertainment, shopping or any activity for that matter. Being a mix of entertainment and infotainment they have made everyone fall in awe with them.

This news article is brought to you by ATTRACTION - where latest news are our top priority.

Mobile Promotions

What is a mobile promotion? When you talk about marketing to a broad audience that is interested in what your company has to offer, you have to think about the best mediums for reaching that audience.

Mobile technology has advanced significantly in the past few years and is even starting to surpass the Internet in the number of real users. When you start to develop your new marketing strategy, it is important to consider all active and efficient mediums for reaching your audience. Mobile promotions is rapidly becoming the most efficient marketing outlet available to corporations all over the world.

How Do Mobile Promotions Work?

The concept behind this marketing approach is actually very simple. Mobile marketing works in much the same way that email marketing works. An Internet marketing company reaches out to people who text and asks them to sign up to receive marketing messages from qualified organizations. A "qualified organization" is one that offers a product or service in-line with what the consumer opted-in for.

For example, if a consumer agreed to receive the newest deals on athletic shoes, then sending that person pain medication marketing messages is a violation of the agreement. If you send people the information they are looking for, then they will read it.

Why use Mobile Promotions?

There are over 5 billion mobile devices active in the world and they are all destinations for effective mobile text messages. The Internet is starting to show that it is not tethered to a desktop computer or a networking cable. Billions of people all over the world access the Internet through their mobile devices and all of those people also receive texts every day.

It is estimated that there are millions of texts sent every minute around the world. This indicates that people are not only comfortable sending and receiving texts, but they prefer it over email.

How Do I Reach My Customers with Mobile Promotions?

A good Internet marketing firm is going to segment its mobile marketing lists based on your company needs. If you need your texts to go to everyone who opted-in to receive text messages about auto parts sales, then that is the audience you will reach. But you may also find value in texting messages to people who wanted information on customizing vehicles and restoring old vehicles as well.

You determine your target audience and your Internet marketing firm will supply you with a list of prospects eager to receive your messages. You will reach tens of thousands of people instantly as opposed to having your message sit in an email inbox for days.

Do Mobile Promotions Work?

Approximately 97 percent of every text message that is sent is opened by the recipient. This percentage is higher than email marketing and significantly higher than standard mailings. If you want to reach your target audience, then sending out text messages is absolutely the way to do it.

A small business owner should utilize technology to his advantage. By signing up for a mobile marketing program, you will reach thousands of new clients every day and significantly increase your business. For more information on a Mobile Media Platform for easy, powerful, cost effective and cutting edge mobile promotions.

This news article is brought to you by ACUPUNCTURE - where latest news are our top priority.

Tips and Tricks for Using QR Codes to Increase Car Counts in Your Auto Repair Shop Marketing

QR Codes are and excellent method of directing interested prospects to the specific information that they're looking for. QR Codes are the 'funny looking little boxes' that look like some kind of strange bar code. Well, that's pretty much what they are. But you can really use them effectively for your Auto Repair Shop marketing and increase your car count.

The QR codes are getting more popular every day. They're the little squares that look like a 'funny' bar code made up of squares. In fact, they are bar codes. They are referred to as a 'two dimensional' bar code.

You're seeing them in more ads, signs in restaurants and even in retail stores and magazine ads. They're function is to get customer response and show interested users the information they want. They are perfect for the auto repair shop marketing because you can use them to direct prospects and customers to the specific information that they're looking for.

Consider all the different services you provide. Things like Front End, Brakes, Alignment, Tire Balancing, Oil Lube and Filter Change, Air Conditioning. The list goes on and on.

Now create an information page for your mobile website and a QR code to direct smartphone users right to that page. What' best is that they are free to generate. There's countless websites that let you do it online in a couple of seconds.

Just remember, that when you're using a these codes, it's a mobile user (with a smartphone) that's going to scan it. So don't do anything foolish and like direct visitors to a regular website that they can't easily view.

So how do you use QR codes effectively?

SEASONAL PROMOTIONS: Consider providing details on your A/C Check and Services on one page of your mobile website. Create the QR code and direct visitors right there. When they see the sign; Are you Hot? Cool off with our A/C Special Services and the code, you will attract visitors who are interested.

SPECIFIC SERVICES: Do you specialize in your auto services? Are you all about tires and brakes? Create the pages that detail the information about those services and direct visitors right to them with a QR code.

REGULAR SERVICES: Create pages on your mobile website with your recommended services for vehicles with 25, 50, 70 or 100,000 miles. Create a QR code for each. That way, if your customer has a car with 100,000 mile or more on it, they're not going to see (and waste time) looking at information about cars with much lower mileage.

PHONE CALL: Yes, you can generate a QR code for a phone number. Instead of people trying to remember your number or jot it down, your sign or ad spot can include one so it makes it easy to call you. When it's scanned, the user's phone is brought up on their screen with YOUR PHONE NUMBER automatically inserted. No guessing there!

SPECIAL OFFERS - O.T.O's or ONE TIME OFFERS: Direct users to your Current Promotions page when you advertise 'Save on Auto Repairs' and a QR code to take them right there.

Using QR codes take your prospect or customer right to the information they're looking for. That way, they are left stumbling around your website trying to find it. If they are mobile, they won't even look. Most smartphone users say they will click away from a company directing them to their regular website because it's too cumbersome to use. Sure they can 'pinch' and 'squeeze' to zoom, but most just click away to the competition. That's not going to help YOUR car count, is it?

This news article is brought to you by BABY-BOOMERS - where latest news are our top priority.

SEO Versus PPC - Think of Them As Your Online Assets

In this post, looking at the on-going debate over SEO versus PPC and which is better, we'll also talk about the fact that "timing is everything."

Both marketing methods can be rather expensive, so your resources may determine which type of campaign you'll run. If you have plenty of capital to spread around you might want to exercise both options. With PPC, you pay for ads to run and then also pay per click from a visitor, thus the name. With SEO, you pay to have a professional, content rich website built with proper keywords and back-links in order to get first-page ranking. Either way you go, it can get rather pricy real fast. If you want to do the work yourself, there's a learning curve in both situations.

We'll examine the time factor in two ways - the time you invest into the project and also the time it takes to see a return on your efforts. The time and energy you pour into SEO is primarily in the beginning (doing keyword research, building your website, sprinkling content with back-links which all must be done precisely according to the rules governed by the search engines). With PPC, there's not near as much work at the start, but constant monitoring and tweaking is necessary throughout the campaign.

Absolutely, if you need fast results like yesterday or if you have a time-sensitive weekend special going, then PPC is your answer. PPC brings traffic almost immediately and lots of it. Conversely, SEO has a much longer gestation period. Another scenario where PPC is the winner is when your business is new and you want a tremendous impact with a large amount of visibility to a targeted sector and/or geographic area. Seem too good to be true? Well, it's true and there is a catch. That's coming later.

Think about SEO as a less risky investment which yields a more long-term profit. Also, one could think of it like writing a book that winds up on the best-seller list. Once you've done the work, the royalties from those sells keep coming in for many years to come even though you're not still working on the book. With SEO, the same is true for the most part. Now, you update and add information to your website from time to time, but it's not labor intensive. After the website and quality content is in place as a strong infrastructure, it's not going anywhere. And you can enjoy sustained traffic for a long time to come plus the effects of URL recall. Once you've gotten ranked on the first page of Google, it's much easier to camp out there. Whereas, if you're shelling out several thousand dollars per month for PPC ads on that highly coveted page, the day you stop paying, the ads stop and all your traffic goes bye-bye. You got it, that's the catch with PPC. Am I beginning to show my bias?

In this ubiquitous debate, hardly anyone talks about the psychology of it all. So let's go there. Do you like walking onto a car dealership lot and strolling through the vehicles until YOU FIND what you're looking for? Or do you like it when the salesperson marches right up to sell you something just because you're there? The internet stats will prove my point. Consistently, somewhere between 80-90% of all online clicks are done on the organic search results, NOT on the ads at the periphery of the page. With the organic search, the person gets to browse around and FIND what they need. But the paid ads are strategically placed to sell the person simply because he or she is there, on the page. Enough said.

This news article is brought to you by CONFLICT - where latest news are our top priority.